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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 4 minutes ago, Toon No9 said:

    £30M for a kid that's not even played 30 senior matches?

    Who sets theese prices??‍♂️


    Never heard if him.

    Almost 7 years ago Man-U paid £50m for a kid that played 70 senior matches 

  2. Just now, Awaymag said:

    Hoping for a big big week of transfers in this week.  We need 4 as a minimum,  CB, LB , Mid and striker please!

    I'd be shocked if we got 4 in this week


    Think we do need 2 (CB and Striker) as a minimum 

  3. 9 minutes ago, Wandy said:

    Relegation will be a disaster, but if it happens and it's enough to make PIF want to get shot of us then it would show that the "we are patient investors" stuff was just bluster and they just saw us as something to improve for a bit and then flip for a profit. I hope that isn't the case but there is that nagging feeling that if the worst happens then they might just look to move on. It would be so NUFC for it to happen too.



    If we got relegated and they sold us they'd make a massive loss, why on earth would they do that? 


    Even if we accept they don't intend on chucking lots of money at us and it is indeed a sensible investment which they are seeking a return on, then how is taking a big loss in less than a year on the club fit within that investment? 

  4. 4 minutes ago, Toon No9 said:

    Would like us to go for Dean Henderson.

    I don't think he's the answer, wasn't that impressed with him in that run he had in the team team at the end of last season 


    Though a keeper is something we should be looking at as overall the ones we have are not of a good enough standard 

  5. We know he's a shit owner and he was awful for us however Derby are in a very different situation to us, their recent year's have not been great and right now they are in a perilous position 


    They just need someone to clear the external debt and stabilise them so they have a football club for the near future 


    It's possible for him to be the worst owner for us but be an okay one for them 

  6. If it was proposed in advance of the transfer window or in advance of any postponed games then maybe there was a slim chance it could have happened but as it is now it's absurd to think this goes anywhere


    How does it even work? If we sell 5 players and sign 5 players, are we expected to just play with a reduced squad?

  7. 57 minutes ago, Danh1 said:

    Hilarious thing is, if we’d signed Coutinho the same people would be saying how he’s shite and they’ve won. :lol:


    Theyre like a bunch of Bairns. 

    It doesn't matter who we sign they'll spin it to make it out as a bad signing


    I noticed a few had said we should be signing Coady as he's better suited to what we needed, guess what the narrative will be if we did sign Coady? Yep, he's bang average and we only got him cos the fancier names turned us down 

  8. 34 minutes ago, Joey47 said:

    Is it confirmed that it's a 2.5 year deal? The mackems seemed pretty sure he'd be stuck on our books for 5 years while we went into a relegation spiral [emoji38]

    Mackems making stuff up to make themselves feel better? There's a shock

  9. 3 minutes ago, Yorkie said:


    Why would we just give him away, though? A player's valuation is as much someone is willing to pay or as much as someone is prepared to accept. It's not like we're desperate for cash so yeah, £8m and we'll talk. 

    Opens up a squad space I guess (though I also assume we'll be getting a CM as well because otherwise we'll be left short)

  10. 2 minutes ago, MagCA said:

    I get that the man is a walking disaster but I can't deny he was very good at maximising profits for the red scum further down the road. I'm aware it's a daft idea but just throwing something to talk about eh.

    Considering our sponsors are likely to be from Saudi I don't think we need to worry about maximising profits


    and the fact that Man-U fans hate him speaks volumes

  11. 23 minutes ago, kisearch said:

    RTG really is a special case like. I know a few mackems in real life and none of them are anything like the knackers on there.

    I only know 1 who is like the worst of RTG but the vast majority are relatively normal

  12. 11 minutes ago, duo said:

    I honestly can't remember last time I enjoyed a transfer window this much - probably be 1995 when we signed the likes of Ferdinand and Ginola

    I did quite enjoy that window when we signed Debuchy, Sissoko, Yanga-Mbiwa, Gouffran and Haidara 

  13. Just now, toon25 said:

    How much are we valuing Longstaff at then?

    Out of contract in the summer, his performances after that initial purple patch have largely been poor, reckon £2-3m at best 

  14. 50 minutes ago, NE27 said:

    Fuck me, every single scenario is bad for us man[emoji38]


    They said evertons signing is a shrewd signing unlike us unloading on Trippier. The sooner they come to terms with what is happening is honestly for the better.


    Got some of their fans absolutely twisted sick with the very thought of us being better than we were.

    I'm sure when we signed Wilson they convinced themselves that Danny Graham was p4p a better signing





  15. Sign someone like Trippier and we are being stupid and short sighted

    If we signed a lower level calibre of playing it would have been, haha no one decent wants to join them, they have no money 


    Mackem law is that whatever Newcastle do is automatically bad

  16. 4 minutes ago, LFEE said:

    Anyone hear Steve Harmison this morning? Bowled GA a sweet bouncer before the end of his interview regarding Trippier. Worth a listen ?

    What time was it on?

  17. 2 minutes ago, WarrenBartonCentrePartin said:

    Watched the Julian Alvarez compilation and he looks excellent. Really good with both feet. He’d be a brilliant signing as long as he’d be able to adapt to living in England.

    Heavily linked with Man-U so think he's a bit unrealistic but would be one hell of a signing 

  18. Also his record is 64 in 138, just a fraction under 1 in 2


    Edouard in comparison was 66 in 116 


    I think Morelos struggles to hit 10 in the PL and he'd get a few red cards along the way 





  19. Just now, buzza said:

    I still think Morelos from Rangers/Celtic(?) would be a good buy. Wouldn´t cost too much and knows the rough and tumble of the SPL, suppose it´s the equivalent of taking a bet on a championship striker. He knocks them in for fun up there...

    You're suggesting a player that you don't know which club he plays for? 

  20. No idea how to embed tweets but Fabrizio has tweeted the below


    "Kieran Trippier deal now sealed. Paperworks have been signed between Newcastle and Atléti, medical to be completed right now and then official statement in place. Here we go confirmed. #NUFC Trippier will be announced as first new signing of Saudi ownership."

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