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Geordie Ahmed

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Posts posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. 7 minutes ago, et tu brute said:

    I can see this ending in court if the Saudi outfit stay up. Makes you wonder at the fvckwits at the PL. 


    That is a classic from the Southampton message board, completely forgetting that there has been a number of games cancelled already. The total fume over on that site is glorious, they have even surpassed the mackems today.

    Who will take it to court and on what grounds? 



  2. I always said as long as we are no more than 6 points adrift by January then we have a chance


    Obviously we are less than that but it's skewed somewhat due to Burnley/Watford having games in hand


    However the 2 postponements do work in our favour because without Wilson/ASM I feel we would have lost both


    If we can get at least 2 players in time for Watford and then another 2 at the latest for Leeds then I think we have a chance stay up

  3. 20 minutes ago, Hanshithispantz said:

    They along with almost every other club in the league have co-ordinated to try to ruin our takeover since the get go [emoji38]


    Sort of hard to give a fuck about any of them tbh.







    Actually, that's a good point, they were being bellends by voting in favour of that bollocks so stuff them 

  4. 9 minutes ago, neesy111 said:


    Who is verifying injuries are genuine?  Whole process is a mess.


    Lack of self awareness by our fans on here is stagerring.

    The PL, now how extensive or genuine that is, no idea


    Again, this is an issue created by the PL not sure where the lack of self awareness is


    If the situation was reversed we'd no doubt kick off but that's tribalism for you


    What's clear is that singling us out for stick is absurd and our fans are rightly standing up to that

  5. 3 months ago seeing where they are in the league and with their form I would have been concerned


    Concerned because the likelihood would have been us meeting in The Championship and us being owned by Ashley/Bruce, then over a number of years I could see them overtaking us


    With Ashley gone that's all changed, obviously I don't want to get relegated but the key was the takeover, that's happened so I won't be too concerned about The Championship and what they do is an irrelevance because all things being well we will be an established Premier League club soon enough 

  6. 23 minutes ago, Zero said:

    They need time to adapt to the team and tactics FFS. I did expect us to sign some players before the window is open. You can’t just throw them on the pitch and expect them to fit in well, especially if they are from other countries and may not speak English.


    The counterparties also have incentives to drag on till the end of the window in order to squeeze more money from us. 

    If we can’t finalise the deals in early Jan,  very likely they will arrive in Feb, and even if they are fucking brilliant they still need at least a month to fit in. That’s already Mar. 

    panic mode?

    You should really have played it off as a joke because you have lost it if you are panicking already

  7. 9 minutes ago, GeordieDazzler said:

    What's Ronaldo's stats on freekicks? Can't remember him scoring one since like 8 years ago or something

    None this year, 2 in 2020, 1 in 2019 and 1 in 2018


    As a comparison in that time Messi has 24


  8. 45 minutes ago, joeyt said:

    He's out of contract in the summer I think. Imagine Blackburn think he's their best to get them back on the Prem gravy train

    Blackburn have the option of triggering a 1 year extension, which they'll obviously do if they can't agree a new deal with him 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Froggy said:


    I'd personally be more annoyed if a player showed no reaction at missing a couple of good chances. That's the problem with half our squad. Rashford would just shrug. 

    I agree, being angry at missing chances is normal and fine


    The issue with him is when he throws a strop because others don't pass to him or miss chances 

  10. Just now, Gazzaschicken said:

    Maybe but I'm sure a player of his calibre doesn't need to do that does he? 

    On the face of it you would think not but Man-U didn't need him and as we've seen they are worse off as a team, it was a signing made using emotion and not logic 


    But aye if City were really interested in him then they have definitely not suffered as a result of the last minute change

  11. 30 minutes ago, Gazzaschicken said:

    It is hilarious how Ronaldo was going to go to citeh untill the last minute I'm sure pep is glad he did now. 


    Manure are at that point where they don't need to be successful now they will just make money regardless. With their American owners I'm sure as long as the dollars keep coming in they won't care 


    Reckon there is any truth to the reports that Ronaldo was never really joining City but they noises were made from his side to force Man-U into coming in for him and paying him stupid money?

  12. 37 minutes ago, midds said:

    We've discussed changing the colour of the seats and possible options to expand the ground but one thing that's been overlooked completely is putting in some safe standing areas. Would increase the capacity (not by as much as we'd like obviously) but more fans, more ST holders, more guaranteed income, no need to move ground or extend the Gallowgate? 


    It's something I think we should definitely be looking into. It's not everyone's cup of tea and there's arguments for and against but I'd like to think it's an option. Just throwing it out there. 

    Unless I've got it completely wrong but I thought safe standing doesn't increase the capacity as it's still the equivalent of a seat per person?

  13. 5 minutes ago, 1964 said:


    Why, what's he done?  Bought sugar puffs or something

    They've hated him ever since he stuck up for us when it came to the Ashley not spending discussions


    And ever so often he'll tweeted about us in a positive way and that's unacceptable in their minds


    Which is ironic because they absolute live for the tiniest crumbs of approval, don't think they've stopped wanking at the made up story of Arteta thinking they were brilliant 


  14. 8 minutes ago, Mikky said:


    I watch every Barca game and have done for the last 20 years - it’s a big no from me - can’t deny his talent, injuries are one thing, he is actually very thick as a footballer - literally has no idea what he’s doing on the pitch 

    Yep, same


    His pace is his strength and he is two footed but his shots often end up miles over, if he could finish he'd be very good and like you say he gets injured all the time



  15. With Grealish I think next season will be a better indicator of where he is and if he really fits in


    With a few of the attacking midfield and attacking players at City the first season was probably underwhelming but in the second season they really stepped up (think Mahrez, B.Silva, Rodri)

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