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Geordie Ahmed

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Everything posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Hopefully he can get a run of games and not be sat on the bench Think this will work out to be a great move for him
  2. Geordie Ahmed


    Banega? Lavezzi? Kagawa? :mackems: Why not go the whole hog and wish for Messi, Ronaldo, Silva etc etc
  3. Will the moment ever arrive where they admit that Dalglish is an average manager and he has wasted millions on average players? I doubt it BUT it would epic if it happens
  4. Keegan I think, after Fat Sam was ditched Owen played behind the 2 strikers
  5. He definitely did that on a few occasions yesterday which was good to see but unfortunately his poor decision making is still there. Not as frustrating as he was a month ago though. Progress methinks. He did put in a few crosses BUT I am referring more to as soon as he gets the ball, forget taking 5 or so touches, either a first time cross or one touch to control the ball and cross it in
  6. Geordie Ahmed

    Papiss Cissé

    He was quality and it is exciting to think how he will be when he is fully settled here His touch was impressive, brought some long balls down with ease and then looked to pass it off and then move towards the box (the exact opposite of Shola) The goal was brilliant, what a strike with your weaker foot on your debut In terms of offside I think that is just something we will have to get used to, it happened a lot in Germany and looking at his playing style it will happen a lot here. As long as he is scores when he gets the chances it is of no major concern
  7. I wish he would just put in an early cross, instead he takes about 5 touches and allows the defenders to position themselves
  8. Not a handball BUT shocked Webb did not give it
  9. Winner for Man-U to arrive in Fergie Time
  10. Man-U blatantly going to equalise, Webb will intervene if he has to
  11. Torres should have blasted it, no idea what he was playing at
  12. I thought he did all right, his final ball is poor and his passing can be loose BUT he was lively, made some good runs and was a threat It wasn't an amazing performance BUT compared to the usual shite he delivers it was canny
  13. The midfield is just so average BUT not surprised Pardew went with that Delighted Demba is back
  14. Geordie Ahmed


    They were 6 points behind before we played Man-U
  15. Their luck will run out before the derby, it has to
  16. You don't have to sell players who want a new contract. It's called running down a contract. Might as well get a fee for them instead of letting them go for free Plus once it was known West Ham were prepared to pay daft money he would not have wanted to stick around
  17. Ben Arfa is a must in the side, I could understand if we had a Nobby Solano in the squad BUT the alternatives at this moment are poor
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