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Geordie Ahmed

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Everything posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Geordie Ahmed

    Loan deals

    Not usually keen on getting players in on loan BUT when we don't make enough permanent signings then it makes sense to get a loan or two in I would like us to loan a defender and use the little money made available for a striker
  2. So we will hear nothing good, what difference does it make whether we hear about transfers or not. not like we can influence who we sign. the press are still going to peddle their usual bullcrap this time of year so there will be plenty for those to read about. The point I was making is that we won't sign anyone
  3. Geordie Ahmed

    Joey Barton

    It was never a red card There was no need for Barton to square up to him BUT he did not make any contact with his head, reckon it might get rescinded
  4. Considering Obertan does fuck all I doubt Sammy could do a worse job BUT it really should mean Ben Arfa finally gets a run of games
  5. People mentioning this is a blessing in disguise I disagree, its a blessing.
  6. He really should have been sent on loan last season (I know he was injured for parts of it) plus he should have got more minutes in the Championship The system yesterday did not suit him especially since we just lumped it long. Also it would help if our wingers offered a threat going forward, that would open up the space for Vuckic or whoever plays in that position
  7. I think so, maybe I am missing something Point is, does not matter how it went in since Simpson was at fault. If Simpson held his line then Carroll would not have been in a position to flick it in or Simpson get in Kruls way
  8. Yeah I am, I fail to see the difference between Carroll flicking it in and it going straight in, the main thing was the awful decision by Simpson to drop back which caused the goal
  9. Would improve the team as we could play Santon wide right and we would have decent full backs for a change BUT he will cost money and clearly that is not going to happen A cheap centre back is all we will end up with
  10. Don't see what difference it would have made since Carroll was only in that position because Simpson decided to go back. If Simpson had stayed up then the free kick would most likely have been harmless
  11. Aye there was one moment in the 1st half where he nearly fell over despite no player being next to him, he is all over the place, reckon a short rest will do him the world of good. Should stick Fergie out wide
  12. Still doesn't excuse that he did f*** all on the pitch though and lost it whenever he got it. http://i51.tinypic.com/f3gm53.gif
  13. One of the reasons he is supposedly picked is that he provides support defensively BUT I have yet to see it barring the odd moment here and there, which for 17 appearances is a joke Obviously getting tackled by the standing ref and then standing around like a gorm has been highlighted BUT where on earth was he for their 1st goal? I saw him stood in the middle of the pitch whilst Cabaye had to run out wide and close Bellamy down. I am not blaming him for the goal as we still should have defended better after that BUT when he is being picked ahead of others for his 'defensive' side yet he actually does fuck all defensively questions have to be asked Oh and there is the other matter of him being complete shit going forward
  14. He passed it to Raylor for the goal? [/massivestrawclutching]
  15. Did okay, was not helped by our wingers severe lack of movement
  16. He really has been poor for some time now, concedes stupid free kicks and them offers nothing of note going forward. Probably worth giving fergie a few games instead
  17. He should have got rid as soon as he got the ball, he can't pass at the best of times so what was he hoping to achieve by holding onto it I think we should Tavernier a go, surely can't be worse than this guy
  18. The guy is not a footballer, that much is clear. At best he will do average defensively BUT he offers nowt going forward. He can't control a ball and his passing is woeful I hope we revoke the contract offer because i can't stand the thought of him being our rb for the next few years
  19. Good luck to him :clap: A 30 yarder past Reina would be a nice end to 2011
  20. Fitness is just an excuse, why else would he have started 3 games in a row? Pardew for whatever reason prefers other players to him
  21. Flat 4-4-2 I think Don't think it will be a flat 4-4-2, more of a 4-5-1 (4-3-3) with Bellamy on the left and Downing on the right
  22. Liverpool: Reina, Johnson, Enrique, Skrtel, Agger, Adam, Henderson, Spearing, Downing, Carroll, Bellamy. Subs: Doni, Maxi, Kuyt, Gerrard, Carragher, Shelvey, Kelly.
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