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Geordie Ahmed

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Everything posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. content Delighted with the Cisse signing. I would have liked a defender BUT I think Kadar is decent cover, hopefully Colo remains fit because otherwise we would be fucked
  2. Hopefully he is given a chance if needed, reckon he will be decent cover until the summer when hopefully we can sign a decent defender
  3. Was watching the Cabaye incident again, noticed Shola doing what he does best, literally stood in one spot whilst Ben Arfa and others chased back
  4. He has rightly been charged, he kicked at the player, although I don't think for a moment he was aiming for his face and tbf to Cabaye he should have been awarded a free kick for what was a blatant foul. Still I would have hoped he could have kept his cool, as a result we will most likely miss him for 3 games BUT no doubt the system is a bloody joke, what Cabaye did was no worse than Lescott or Crouch, yet they got away with it
  5. I agree with Brummie, if Liverpool dealt with the incident sensibly and did not do the t-shirts, crappy club statement, cry conspiracy, attack Evra etc, would this twat have done this gesture or would that Oldham player have been racially abused? I think not
  6. Good riddance to bad rubbish
  7. It was not a yellow card, won the ball BUT if being on a yellow meant he was going to bottle any challenge then he might as well have asked to be substituted. There was no excuse for him not putting a challenge in and then then lack of effort to try and get back He had a rubbish game BUT he was not alone in that regards Simpson is a limited player, that much is clear. At best he will put in a decent performance defensively BUT he offers nothing going forward, can't control a ball, can't pass, can't cross, can't take people on etc etc - just long aimless punts, one after another
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