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Geordie Ahmed

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Everything posted by Geordie Ahmed

  1. Demba leaving would be horrible BUT it would be much worse to see him join another Prem side, especially Spurs or Liverpool BUT here's hoping if this clause exists that we are doing our utmost to get him to sign a new contract and remove this shit
  2. I can't believe they all have "Suarez is not a racist" below their username
  3. No, it looks like Pardew's now trying to suggest this was the case, after previously saying he didn't think Ben Arfa 'had the relish' for that position. I'm more than prepared for the possibility that it was Ben Arfa's choice. But after seeing how obviously disappointed he was when Sammy came on at LW instead of him and knowing Pardew's stubborn streak, I think this cryptic stuff could be an attempt by Pardew to put him on the wing without having to admit he was wrong. Spectacularly wrong. When we first signed Ben Arfa on loan lots of the reports in France suggested one of the reasons for him wanting to come here were because Hughton had promised to use him in his preferred no. 10 position. I don't doubt at all that HBA had made it known to Pardew that he'd like to play the number 10 role preferably. Whether he refused to play wing is another question. Well he didn't do a good job of keeping that promise since he only played him on the wing (admittedly it was only a few games) Personally I am inclined to go with the theory that it was Pardew that didn't want him out wide. I find it very difficult to believe HBA would rather be on the bench than play out wide
  4. Expected to return to training on Monday so I reckon this match might be a bit too soon for him I think Abeid should play, their midfield is average especially if Faurlin is out so he should be fine. Get HBA wide right and Shola up top with Best
  5. don`t think he can go anywhere anyway this window. IIRC there is some sort of rule where a player can`t sign for 2 clubs within 1 year (release clause or not?) It is no more than 2 clubs in 1 season, since he has only played for us this season he can move during this window though I doubt he will
  6. Since Traore has went to the ACN who will be playing left back for them?
  7. A more worrying issue is our fans getting picked off
  8. The number of players he took on has ranged from 3-7 :lol:
  9. It was only Blackburn and he offered nothing defensively ......
  10. Sadly, yes It really is a horrid paper
  11. That's where he has played for the U21's
  12. Kinda obvious, why on earth would a club insist on a release clause? I do hope the club can confirm asap that no clause exists because otherwise the droopy faced twat is not going stop
  13. It did sound like shit stirring rather than something convincing BUT its annoying these twats go on national radio and spout such stuff Though I do think we need to consider a contract extension for Demba asap
  14. Niall Hickman (express) just on talksport saying he has heard rumours about a clause for Demba, mentioned £7 mill - though he did not sound too convincingly
  15. I thought he played well enough, some stupid passes to them BUT overall did well, an improvement on Obertan, though that is hardly a ringing endorsement
  16. Tiote was quality, similar to the immense performances he put in last season BUT I do wish at times he would just keep it simple, tries to be a bit too clever despite there being an easier and safer option
  17. He signed a 3 year contract didn't he? So 2 years left this summer, need to think about giving him an extension soon
  18. Superb striker, just superb. I knew he would come good and score goals BUT I certainly did not think he would be this prolific nor was I aware of his all round attributes, he is the complete striker
  19. He was sensational. If he signs a new contract I will cry with joy, it needs to happen The volleyed flick at the end was just :smitten:
  20. Evra and whoever plays down the left are going to have a field day for them
  21. Best instead of Shola and that will be the team If Oberturd is not quite fit enough to start then Sammy down the right is what it will be
  22. I would'nt bet on it....... Best-Ameobi is my bet. Pardew did say a couple of weeks ago that Ben Arfa could be the one to "fill Ba's boots" when he's away. Did'nt Pardew say he would'nt sell Carroll, didnt he say we would play football and the side would be built around Ben Arfa.... etc etc? Not saying it wont happen but iam not in the business in believing Pardew's word is gospel. Sorry for all this negativity guys, but all this Ben Arfa and Santon on the bench everyweek is starting to get to me Definitely didn't say this like. Pardew's comments of late have been bizarre to say the least tbh. But I definitely still have faith in Pardew mind. I do, its just frustrating to see some of the decisions not being learnt from...... " The Worst mistakes we make are the ones we don't learn from" I take the Ben Arfa comment back if he didnt say it, but iam pretty sure did. If he didnt then i take it back. You might have mistook it for comments made by Cabaye He must be gutted to repeatedly see the ball launched over his head
  23. I think our transfer policy will cost us. We need a striker, I am not sure where the goals will come from once Ba goes to the ACN. A defender is important as we can't rely on Williamson/Colo staying fit for the remainder of the season BUT a striker is just as important imo and not signing one will cost us Also Pardew needs to change things, the 4-4-2 tactic is not working (especially with the current team selection) simply because our wide players have been rubbish I don't expect us to get anything tomorrow night BUT we need to beat QPR next week and get a point away to Fulham if we want to finish 7th
  24. Fair play to them, they have turned things around under MON and they are on a good run
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