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Everything posted by ponsaelius

  1. Whatever you say about what Suarez did... That was absolutely brilliant. Why I love and hate football all rolled into one brief moment, stunning.
  2. Tbh I don't care about the ball when it's helping goals be scored. It's when it balloons over the bar that's annoying.
  3. Another one for the ITV cliches. Makelele invented the holding midfield role by himself.
  4. Argentina - Netherlands and Argentina - Uruguay would be great potential finals in terms of rematches.
  5. Tbf, they have alot more talent in their squad than the US. Brazil OUT on your signature! Haha. I'll do it after this game man.
  6. Tbf, they have alot more talent in their squad than the US.
  7. Already got one though. EDIT: Ahh, already pointed out.
  8. That gay picture has got to be tongue in cheak, surely? Alan Smith is making a little smiley face on the board ffs
  9. Netherlands haven't exactly set the world on fire yet either. I can really see this game being tight and dull - infact i'm looking forward to Ghana - Uruguay more.
  10. That is a surprise with Godsmark. He had a pretty succesful loan spell at Hereford didn't he? Maybe it's just short term until he can win a pro contract elsewhere.
  11. Yesssss World Cup is back today. I was getting withdrawal symptoms.
  12. http://www.sportspickle.com/article:1030/police-refuse-to-look-at-surveillance-video-of-sepp-blatter-getting-stabbed
  13. Never understood the 6+5 rule tbh. It doesn't really encourage the development of domestic products, only the signing of players as young as possible. He sounds like he could be good though, Moratti seems to like him alot. I take it the Parma loan is something to do with all the recent dealings with them? Hoping Mariga gets increased gametime next season aswell, really liked the look of him. A physical monster that has the technique to go with it, infact he reminds me alot of Vieira (the Arsenal Vieira, not the disaster Inter Vieira).
  14. I think there will be one 'big' signing before the end of the window, which will probably end up being Masch. Although LW and LB are probably more important than another DM. Any idea what's happening with the Coutinho transfer? I remember reading he'll be in the squad next season (probably means less of a chance of getting an Ozil type player) although I just read something about him going back to Vasco again on loan Aye I've seen that before, genius
  15. Inter have been my second team after I spent alot of my youth on holiday in Italy - I have family that live out there. I've been to quite a few Hartlepool games and always look out for their results, because one side of my family is from there. So yeah, they're my only real 'adopted' teams, and are through family reasons.
  16. Pretty sure he is surplus to requirements and will be off after this window anyway. Can see him being used as a makeweight for potential transfers. I take it you saw the Oezil to Inter rumours? and then the subsequent declaration that he has his heart set on Barca...like they need him anyway.
  17. Dunno if I've mentioned this before but I hate Luca Toni. mattis, no love for Muntari in your sig?
  18. Doesn't seem to have a Wiki, so I'm guessing he's yet to have any first team appearences. I sparingly remember having him in my San Marino team on FM09 though.
  19. Agree with Cruyff. Brazil are a winning machine but they're not as magical as they have been.
  20. Ade is overrated IMO. Has only had 1 good season. i would make a terrible scout as wheneevr i choose to watch someone they invariably play s**** (dzeko on about half a dozen occasions over the last 2 seasons) Has a tendancy to 'do an Ibra' in that sense. He's a monster though, and has the stats to back it up.
  21. Ade is overrated IMO. Has only had 1 good season.
  22. Would be better if Robinho fancied knuckling down and they do buy Dzeko. Not alot of English however and it kind of pisses on A. Johnson.
  23. They'd be better off with Milner in central midfield if they're really gonna sign him.
  24. Wonder if Robinho will stay at City next season.
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