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Everything posted by ponsaelius

  1. Yeah Wigan have been linked with him loads in the past. Even with us being in the Prem, I'd like to think we'd be a better option than them
  2. I'm at a funeral on monday. F5'ing would take up my day otherwise though.
  3. ponsaelius


    I signed this lad for Burnley on my FM and he was class. Deal breaker tbh.
  4. Don't know if ever got mentioned here but Jerome Rothen ended up going to Ankaragucu.
  5. Other clubs transfers? Nahhhh!
  6. ponsaelius


    What the fuck is going on?! I turn this on at school an we've made two signings, talking to Moses and after this guy aswell
  7. Ahh well I didn't really understand the use of the drug. I guess that's pretty f***ed up, he'll probably be getting a pretty hefty ban. Really stupid, he's a very good player aswell.
  8. As far as vaguely informative video compilations go, it's fantastic to watch. Seeing his dribbling and footwork against substandard Danish defenders is utterly superb, he just tears them to pieces. The thing is he (obviously) hasn't been able to replicate that in Germany, which causes lots of problems having a player who's that ballgreedy.
  9. When he was in Denmark he was practically allergic to passing the ball. Watch some compilations of him on a certain popular video site and it's incredible, he just runs and runs everytime
  10. Not coke this time though. An anti-obesity drug. Stupid as it is, it's not as bad.
  11. Forgive him no - on the right track for making up for the mess he's caused, yes.
  12. Hell yes! Surely if it came to us, WBA or Forest we'd get him?
  13. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/c/crystal_palace/8463830.stm
  14. Monitor him? Fuck off and get him man. Make sure you don't get duped into buying their number 8 by accident though.
  15. Basturk is a free transfer not a loan deal. How the fuck does he have the cheek to complain about the number of foreign imports? He's the BIGGEST culprit. More so than Arsenal, atleast they're looking to develop young English talent. Sam just signs journeymen neebody foreign players on the cheap. What a tosspot.
  16. Nolan is pushing the limits of frustration now. Utter cack from him again, and now the goals are drying up it's rendering him totally fucking useless. I'm sorry but if we go up he'd be one of the first I'd sell. His goal record is creating a very nice illusion, maybe we'll get somebody sticking in a desperate bid for him. Seems a nice enough guy but I can't see him ever making it in the Premier League again.
  17. Don't think so unfortunately. He's very much a Winger/Striker, can play in behind a front man well aswell I believe. Three pacey wingers in our squad though? I think I'd faint.
  18. I'd absolutely love it if we signed him. Exactly the kind of player we should be after. Young, talented and English. Can see the lure of the Prem being too much for him though.
  19. I couldn't bring myself to back Villa. Being at that game last season was bad enough but then having them wankers act the way the did was pathetic. Classless, small time cunts. (except brummie)
  20. Depending on the injuries how we do I feel, and whether we get maybe another body in before Saturday. I'll go with an optimistic 1-2. We'll play like shit though.
  21. What, if we were strictly only allowed to have 1 of them? Ranger then, has the potential to far surpass Beckford.
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