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Everything posted by Interpolic

  1. Interpolic

    John Carver

    A sharp football brain 'since he was 18'? What the fuck is? Genuinely reminded me of a North Korean propaganda piece
  2. When pundits like Robbie Savage lay into non-league sides for looking streets behind Premier League opposition.
  3. Also "Look at me, look at me, I'll do this thing that's basically unheard of in football because I know better than everyone else".
  4. Nice to see this thread occasionally dropping down the page for the first time in years. Yes, I know I'm not helping the cause in the immediate short term on that front but just think it's getting to the stage where he's barely worthy of discussion.
  5. Since you put it before "bastard", same way as lots of other stuff? "e.g. "black" or "white" aren't derogatory terms on their own.
  6. Also said Villa were a far bigger club than Newcastle as well, when discussing where a player would choose to play. Can't remember which player.
  7. In all seriousness - shock horror, 3 of our best players are left out which suggest the "manager"'s quotes before the game were meaningless. Cut from the same cloth.
  8. I can believe Cisse isn't like Oh aye. You made a huge mistake Branko, take a break from the forum.
  9. http://media.giphy.com/media/13hFrGPgj8Y0lG/giphy.gif
  10. http://media.giphy.com/media/hEfmyTCYFfOUg/giphy.gif
  11. http://media.giphy.com/media/M0waNM9d7j4D6/giphy.gif
  12. http://38.media.tumblr.com/351f9a03fb5a7792d7ef3155763bab36/tumblr_mwee3hPgJh1s6ns7wo1_250.gif
  13. Fair point aye, wouldn't know tbh.
  14. Get a load of this fucking prick.
  15. Was at that one, was fucking fuming when Ben Arfa didn't get on.
  16. If the rumours are true about us wanting a Head Coach from the continent rather than another Manager then I'd rather that tbh - Moyes would have wanted some control over transfers, Ashley would have lied and said yes, and there's a good chance it might have ended in tears.
  17. It is pretty annoying like, I actively don't want a Geordie in charge because the options are terrible.
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