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🗡️ 2025 Loser
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Everything posted by Interpolic

  1. http://s2.postimg.org/80s5bj1fd/pardfan.jpg
  2. Yep, he's summed it up really well with zero bullshit there.
  3. He'll be petrified of the Shite Stiffs Of Dover like.
  4. The thread title. So true. Guy's a crock, been obvious for a while. Any club ran properly wouldn't rely on him as one of their 3 (THREE!) senior centre halves.
  5. :laugh: Sounds like the match is right up his street tbh, he'll be worried about whether he can improve on perfection.
  6. God Almighty, what a player that young forrin is. Amazing.
  7. I'm still deeply unhappy about our policy of watching Requiem For A Dream at half time like, makes absolutely zero sense and I wish we wouldn't do it. Yep, again.
  8. Allardyce lingered like a bad spell for months after he departed despite the team being managed by Kevin fucking Keegan, wouldn't be surprised if we experience similar again.
  9. Stuff like this is so obvious to everyone but the men who get to manage football teams.
  10. Like when he first got here. It's weird. Trying to work out what's changed.
  11. Can't believe we suffered that nonsense for so long, man. 4 years of actively trying not to score.
  12. Having a quick kip for the first half an hour, force of habit tbf.
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