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🗡️ 2025 Loser
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Everything posted by Interpolic

  1. If nobody did these things then nobody would feel wronged. The ineptitude of match officials is a big enough obstacle at times, without opposition players cheating like fuck as well. Shows a total lack of respect for your opponents.
  2. Like somebody said earlier, if your instinct is to cheat then you're a cheat. The guy spends most of his time trying to con the referee, he's never off the floor, never stops bitching and moaning. He's a cheat, don't see why the instinct argument makes it any better - in fact it makes it worse. I'm only talking about the Ghana game not any other incidents. The reality is if Gyan hadn't bottled the penalty there would be nothing said about it What difference does that make? He did miss the penalty and Suarez celebrated like he'd scored a 40-yarder. The incident and what happened afterwards really weren't in the spirit of the game whatsoever.
  3. Like somebody said earlier, if your instinct is to cheat then you're a cheat. The guy spends most of his time trying to con the referee, he's never off the floor, never stops bitching and moaning. He's a cheat, don't see why the instinct argument makes it any better - in fact it makes it worse.
  4. If an NUFC player did it then I wouldn't leave the ground or switch the telly off, but I'd still think the player was an absolute prick. And it's been that long since we won anything that I'd rather we did it properly without any of that shite, thanks.
  5. I agree, the punishment doesn't really fit the crime so little shits like Suarez will always push their luck. Should have sent him to prison.
  6. Sorry mate, I just meant this morning. So there are 5, at least, that wouldn't do the same and wouldn't want their players doing the same.
  7. There's no way it's 1% like. Me, leffe, Santoon and palnese on here for a start.
  8. Deliberately cheated. Anyone who says that's ok is missing the point of sport. Also if your using that logic Solskjaer did 'nothing wrong' in scything down Rob Lee. Totally agree. Was one of the scummiest things ever seen on a football pitch and it was annoying how it worked for Uruguay. Of course, his overall personality doesn't help, it's not like it was an isolated incident. He puts winning ahead of behaving like a half decent human being, always on the con. Can't stand him.
  9. Yeah, fair enough - agree with that.
  10. Only a fraction of responders were season ticket holders though, so it's not really 10%. NUFC's global fanbase will of course be much higher than 50,000 or so.
  11. http://imgur.com/JDPnurA.jpg
  12. It's not unreasonable to judge our youth development on the recent results, i.e. the young players coming through and establishing themselves in comparison to other similar-sized clubs, and concluding it's not good enough.
  13. Sounds like a living nightmare.
  14. Aye Soderberg, he moved on - just looked it up.
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