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Everything posted by Interpolic

  1. I don't get the attitude that in acknowledging how good a player he is we are to marginalise how colossal a cunt he is, as though it at all offsets it. The idea anyone ought to warm to him because he's an exceptionally talented footballer is daft IMO. He's always a cunt first, a footballer second. I hate watching him play as you can never trust anything he does as a footballer, he's always trying to work his ticket above all else. The closing stages of a frustrating game for Liverpool like this are the worst, he's fucking shameless.
  2. I've only had this on for 15 minutes and Suarez has been throwing himself around like there's a fucking earthquake in Merseyside. I'll never, ever warm to him - he is a fucking cunt. Haha, Gerrard.
  3. Not if they just pinch them off you, you'll lose money in that case.
  4. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-m5qCzZE28LE/T8c4yFBficI/AAAAAAAAAaw/QWidNeKq0hU/s1600/Senor+Chang.jpg HA! GIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGS!
  5. I know him! Do you? Actually, maybe he's a full-on journalist now.
  6. Interpolic

    Papiss Cissé

    You'll like this one Jon, I still think it's mainly Ba's fault that Cisse is out of form. Sorry.
  7. Hadn't even realised that, bit shan like.
  8. Watching the 2nd half, howay Baba's boys.
  9. Shearer's vs Man Utd in the 5-0 would be interesting to look at.
  10. Nicky Butt's overhead kick vs Boro please.
  11. This will be added very soon, im just working on the font that will allow me to do it properly. Cool. If you were seriously interested I could look into the costs involved Oakie Doke is certainly not a time waster.
  12. He is mental, he has not one iota of sense. Which is weird, because he looked like a very sensible, pragmatic, even intelligent player when he started playing for us.
  13. I think they're really good and would be tempted to buy a print if my lass didn't totally hate football. One thing though: Personally I'd put more text on, have at least "Spurs away, 09/02/13" on there and maybe the scoreline or something, although I see the reasons for not bothering.
  14. I'd still start him next game but I think he's a risk because he's basically a fucking nutase. They need to calm the fucker down before he goes on the pitch.
  15. I'm the opposite then Tayor, I usually give him more slack than most but thought he was excellent for 5 minutes then absolutely disgustingly bad. It's getting to the point where I think he's one of the most brainless players to have ever pulled on the shirt.
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