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🗡️ 2025 Loser
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Everything posted by Interpolic

  1. Probably because he's our best player, and we coped without him. Ohhhhhhhh, I get it.
  2. Really pleased with the result. Thought we might regret missing so many chances, but Wigan weren't up to it at all and we were fairly solid. If we beat West Ham then I'll feel a hell of a lot better about our chances of staying up. Prior to today I was getting very tetchy.
  3. Quietly effective, will no doubt go unnoticed by the majority. Pretty sure the majority of his passes have been to/from his back four to maintain possession. Give it a rest acting superior all the time, it's fucking boring.
  4. My thoughts on this are the same as the Keane thing - I'd take both on loan and see how they do. Spurs would surely want significant fees for both in the long run though.
  5. This post is just... wrong on so many levels. Well the bit about Bentley emulating Routledge's career is bilge for a start, yeah.
  6. Definitely not the approach we should be taking. We need to sign the right players not any player just for the sake of getting someone in. It's better no player than the wrong player. I agree, but we do need a striker in January. Even someone marginally better than the current lot could make the difference.
  7. Perhaps we got lucky with Tiote but I think we should be buying a lot of players that I've never heard of, which is half the point of a scouting network. That's the way I usually cop out when asked that question anyway.
  8. They're only doing 5 and a half year deals atm - someone printed out 99 copies of Ranger's contract by accident, and they're fucked if they're going to waste paper when they can just scribble names out and that.
  9. Loan, we need to see if he's still got it. He's potentially just what we're after if he hits some form.
  10. Interpolic


    So basically do whatever the fuck you want.
  11. Cool, I should be free. Might have to take the afternoon off work though.
  12. Nah, mackems are in vogue now man. http://img211.imageshack.us/img211/6338/sarcasmemoticon.gif (courtesy of GM).
  13. Interpolic


    Merge please, fuck's sake.
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