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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. its always dull/detestable clubs that sing this as well, who are at best average, have always been average and probably always will be.
  2. brilliant. loving the extra breathing space. now to keep the pressure on chelsea.
  3. chelsea still got spurs, arsenal, liverpool and us to play in the league. could easily drop a lot of points between now and the end of the season.
  4. He played very narrow but he and Gutierrez were at the hub of most of our attacks. They linked up well as a pair down that side. 1st Half. We didn't do a single attack down the left hand side until the 75th minute 2nd half. We were crap for a lot of the Second Half I'll agree. That's where I think Pardew's subs were smart, the introduction of Santon and Shola settled the side down. The subs were right, tho I didn't agree with the HBA going off for Santon. I would had took off Guthrie. Harsh on HBA yes as I thought he did give us a fair bit of impetus in the First Half. Guthrie was decent in fits and starts, but for a guy of decent build he gets knocked off the ball too easily. I just can't get away with how bad he is off the ball, it's where Cabaye excels in as his workrate off the ball is fantastic, Guthrie's for some reason is poor. Yep. Off the ball he's horrendous. no problem with his workrate, just dont think hes that good at finding space for himself also seems to get drawn in too much, defensively he is constantly leaving gaps for opposition players to get inbetween our midfield and defence, i think its a simple case of not being able to read the game well enough to be as effective in that role as our first choice midfield pairing.
  5. in that list, i cant help feel for those involved in challenges that ultimatly lead to some of those deaths, thats something you would never get over. Puerta sticks out for me as one i remember, as well as the rumours of Tunjić being booked. horrific to think that these players at the top of their game, so young, so physically fit and well looked after can have life taken away from them so quickly.
  6. got my season ticket renewal form, i thought if i'd signed up to the 10yrs scheme, i wouldn't have to renew and it would be done for me unless i cancelled? also the price dosn't include the 10% discount for being in the championship. is this normal?
  7. if the worst had happen i would of been fine with them calling it off, all up to how the players are feeling imo. glad we won't have to ask that question though.
  8. went out for a meal for mothers day a couple of hours ago when it looked like it was too late for him, so oddly, coming home and finding him stable is pretty good news, compared to what i was expecting. hope he recovers okay, thoughts with his fiance and kid, must of been horrific for them too.
  9. not officially yet, but they won't go ahead after this.
  10. Fellani has been really poor so far.
  11. set up for a cracking game this like.
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