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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. this is like the opposite of the ACoN.
  2. well hes always gunna score isnt he..... haha or not
  3. all week i've thought i'm going to be supporting them, but now i'm watching it i just can't bring myself to want racistpool to win anything.
  4. after yesterday i think i needed a match like this, restored my faith in football.
  5. i've missed match day and the last one wasn't exactly brilliant. Howay Newcastle!
  6. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2103311/Thierry-Henry-fish-tank-Arsenal-striker-plans-rebuild-6m-home.html "Ireland has reportedly spent more than £100,000 on his 13ft aquarium, and is now believed to be planning a shark tank under his kitchen floor."
  7. i'm watching with some geordie commentator, who just describe that as "better than hoochy coochy"
  8. Not really, bloke was clearly offside. but it was hard to tell if he actually touched the ball on first viewing, could easily of been seen as not interfering with play.
  9. unlucky for Porto to have that dissallowed like.
  10. Aguero off the bar, after some sloppy defending.
  11. love watching both these clubs, especially porto.
  12. good news for me personally, but it is a bit stupid changing it at such short notice.
  13. Demba Ba? He was free. and by then a championship player really.
  14. the old man said hes possibly the best player hes seen for us.
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