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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. Learnt how to do that in Scotland I heard.
  2. Wilson quoting Shearer there with "pressure is for tyres"
  3. Brentford looked solid, so getting 3 points is very much a big result. Much better from us in the second half.
  4. I mean that should never be a pen, fair play if it is overturned.
  5. It wasn't a foul for our ruled out goal either.
  6. Has their keeper taken a bet with Toney on us winning?
  7. Who had 31 minutes on the Schar head injury sweepstake?
  8. Big Queues outside the turnstiles visible on that Sky wide shot.
  9. Was looking into getting TNT, seeing as all our games seem to be on there. £25 a month for 18 months, or £29 quid a month rolling. Fucking daylight robbery
  10. Can't help but appreciate the piss taking with Maguire
  11. Worth pointing out it was unveiled by ultras all dressed in black shirts, probably tells you the sort of people they are.
  12. Bloody hell, why would you do that to yourself. Once was bad enough
  13. We were never going to equal that, our lack of defeats last season was ridiculous. Our aim has got to be to turn some of last seasons draws into a win.
  14. Genuinely don't think a single player of ours today has not been shite
  15. They've still got enough time to sort these problems out in time to face us though...
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