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Everything posted by Dr.Spaceman

  1. I fucking hate reading shit like this.
  2. I think we are going to have to go foreign and take a gamble. There is no way we are going to buy someone from our leagues who is going to be good enough.
  3. Jesus. £20 mil for a winger who can't cross.
  4. Despite what was claimed he never actually even came close to signing, he was a great pretender. Assuming you mean that Caio Ferriera. http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11095_4798260,00.html Forgot all about that.
  5. Waiting for an influx of Turks / Greeks / Med folk coming here telling us to go fuck our mothers.
  6. Why is Caulkin trying to get a bite with everything he says? I really wouldn't give him the satisfaction.
  7. Why the fuck have we let him go? Jesus wept.
  8. SHITTING HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111
  9. Stuart Broad and Jermaine Beckford YEEESSSSAAAAA
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