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Everything posted by Dr.Spaceman

  1. How did Shay let Owens shot past him there?
  2. ....and here starts the fun part of watching Man Utd - watching Owen.
  3. He should be fucking grateful that we want to sign him.
  4. All Simpson had to do was keep him on his left foot all night and he even failed at that.
  5. Portsmouth probably haven't accepted transfer requests because as soon as that happens then silly bids will come in for players. Maybe they are letting other teams believe they don't want to sell in order to force them into thinking they need to bid more than they do.
  6. Fraser Forster on now. Made a canny save when it was 0-0.
  7. I think we need 3 good players to keep us up on top of what we've already got. 1 shit hot striker, 1 creative attacking midfielder and 1 winger.
  8. Seol Ki Hyeon released by Fulham. Maybe worth a punt if he's been released purely cos he's 9th choice or whatever.
  9. Nevere ever thought I'd say this, but I'd definitely take him to the world cup.
  10. I can still remember the interview where they asked him what he thought of their policy on sacking managers after few games in charge. He seemed ok with it then.
  11. His wife would fill their stadium though. If she could negotiate the turnstyles of course.
  12. Goalkeeper. He's a perfect example of one.
  13. How can you be a perfect example of something if you're canny shite at it? That must mean I'm a perfect example of a goalkeeper, because I'm tall and agile.
  14. Ronaldo will tell him what the attributes of a 'proper target man' are.
  15. Dr.Spaceman


    Nice tag line - 'Google in a Newcastle shirt'
  16. Really, really give a shit. Why has this become a major talking point? It makes me laugh that fans use it as something to get at each other. It's fucking pathetic when you think about it.
  17. Even those cretins from Staffordshire aren't stupid enough to find him funny.
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