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Everything posted by Amir_9

  1. Probably, from what ive seen on other championship teams forums, they seem to rate our midfield more than we do.
  2. Arshavin: http://www.skysports.com/story/0,19528,11095_2948442,00.html Rooney(From Wikipedia): ". A three-year, £12,000-a-week contract offer from the club was snubbed by Rooney's agent in August 2004, leaving Manchester United and Newcastle United to compete for his signature. The Times reported that Newcastle were close to signing Rooney for £18.5 million, as confirmed by Rooney's agent, but Manchester United ultimately won the bidding war and Rooney signed at the end of the month after a £25.6 million deal with Everton was reached. At the time of the signing, Everton were close to administration and needed money to stay afloat. Fourteen days after Rooney's departure, Everton paid off a £10m loan from Kaupthing Singer & Friedlander which had been secured in February earlier that year to stave off the administrators." I dont spout bullshit lads.
  3. Getting sick and tired of missing out on class players only by a whisker, Beckford, Arshavin, Rooney... the list goes on.
  4. Thats Beckford off to Spurs now then.
  5. Russell Booth (Nottinghamshire) Thats us screwed then. http://www.refworld.com/uploads/referees/big/478Booth.jpg Not sure what to make of that
  6. Fucking hell man, Ashley you only had to pay an extra 500,000 you fat twat.
  7. http://www.refworld.com/uploads/referees/big/359James-Linington.jpg Tonight, we fucking find him, AND KILL HIM.
  8. We play Reading, Leicester, Cardiff very soon, seriously getting worried now.
  9. The fuck are you doing you cunts, fuck sake man, our team are more than good enough to beat these clowns, fucking hell.
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