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Everything posted by Amir_9

  1. Amir_9

    What if...

    Well, then again we did not expect Hughton to be the success story he turned out to be. And its not like Ashley did either, Ashley dosent deserve jackshit.
  2. Amir_9

    Alan Pardew

    Who on earth is Chris Howton?
  3. The bounce-back-ability we had under him was immense, we could beat any team on our day, and play like crap any other given day. Even that continued, we would have stayed up.
  4. Amir_9

    Chris Hughton

    I remember my first ever match at St. James' park was last season against Reading at home, was dreading it before the game. But he sent me home with a massive smile, gave us a season to remember last season. And most definitely would have kept us up here. My first ever Tyne-Wear derby ended up in us winning 5-1 , I'll never forget that.
  5. We've been plauged by injuries and suspensions lately, given the money available to Hughton he has made some fantastic signings. What is this, honestly what the fuck is this.
  6. We would have stayed up under Hughton, would've had some rough patches but most definitely stayed up. We were progressing albeit slowly, this is a joke.
  7. How fucking dare they sack Hughton? My God whats this..
  8. Before the match EVERYONE, FUCKING EVERYONE. The Pundits, Fans, Players, FUCKING EVERYONE knew Odemwengie and Tchoyi are their main threats. And who scores today? Well fucking done NUFC.
  9. Thank God they can't finish so far. A goal is coming for them at this rate
  10. At the minute alcohol is legal but still frowned upon. The only 'bar' I bothered with when we were there a couple of months ago was in the hotel. It's illegeal to be drunk in public as well. It's obviously more liberal than Saudi but not compared to Bahrain where they couldn't care less. I definitely think it's a strange choice having it in an Islamic country where the laws are so strict compared to the rest of the world but I suppose FIFA are organising a tournament not a piss up. Tournament should = piss up tbh. I'm still angry like. 2 worst possible choices man Fully agree mate just trying to understand FIFA's thought process. Just seem like weird decisions both of them. Gonna start the conspiracy theories now by suggesting that FIFA gave it to Russia to revive their f***ed economy and national morale, and that they gave it to Qatar due to a brown envelope handed over on the golf course by some corrupt Arab in an attempt for them to show off to their other Arabic neighbours. It could well possibly be true you know.
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