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Everything posted by Ameritoon

  1. He's made a few errors today, but certainly looks better than everyone else.
  2. We need to calm down. Everytime the ball comes near someone they have a panic attack.
  3. See, backpasses are aupposed to be these safe options to start the attack again, not tricky bouncing balls that miss their target completely. Looking awful out there. The atmosphere off the pitch certainly isn't helping.
  4. Seems like no structure at all. Touches are awful, shaky defense.
  5. The short passing looks enticing. Van Anal not looking too good early on.
  6. That were me edit: trying to work out the stadium in the reflection. that's surely the CoMS? Logical sugggestion seeing as she was with Wayne Bridge. No logic would be to notice the number of ENGLAND shirts around her I don't think any of that matters when she's in the picture here, the rest is irrelevant.
  7. Like most have pointed out, it completely lacks common sense. The rule seems odd to me anyway, if a national association is getting so much interference by their government to the paint where they are essentially running it, then surely that would be grounds for punishment. But what's the Togo FA or whatever supposed to do when their government tells them to do something? They shouldn't be punished for everyone else messing up, including the CAF.
  8. wow, when it finally looked like we could put a normal lineup out. No Jonas or Kadar makes me sad.
  9. Fulham and Everton both hve goals called off for offside. Everton's was by inches, if that.
  10. Yea Fulham really miss Zamora and Dempsey. Goals will dry up. I think I heard them say Zamora is playing Well then, they really miss Dempsey We all do, he's an amazing man.
  11. Can't see Villa letting this one go, Fulham have had nothing going up front.
  12. Tremendous atyff, now lets not waste this and get a victory.
  13. Iniesta must have pretty good range. He can claim all those babies as his.
  14. That's what I was initially going to say, but he wasn't really playing even before Sam came.
  15. I feel like there's something behind McCarthy thing, seems like he plays well when he gets in. Maybe he just doesn't train hard or something.
  16. Oooh! New thread title, something to keep us interested until more news comes out.
  17. This is just destroying my view of NUFC transfer windows.
  18. Alan Smith - Yeah, I wanted him. I was just being naive. Danny Guthrie - Didn't want him initially, he's turned out pretty good. There's a few others a lot of people are high on that I'm not outside of the club, but I've yet to be proven wrong on them. Obi Mikel Flamini Hleb Kuyt (Okay, maybe Kuyt)
  19. We did offer him a contract. That's why he's playing for us rather than some prem team. Obviously. I meant in the summer.
  20. Wasn't it us who didn't offer him a contract?
  21. A futile attempt to get the thread back on track.
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