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Everything posted by Ameritoon

  1. That's how most injuries seem to happen. It confuses me so much, the lack of reporting on injured players.
  2. What a shot by Cuntface McGilucutty aka Damien Duff.
  3. Aye, it's common knowledge that smoking makes you 25% cooler. Fact right there for you. Dimitar's looking pretty suave there.
  4. Looks like they're just doing it to be cool. Probably don't even know how to light one.
  5. Even as I clicked the link I didn't believe it.
  6. Arsenal fans to Fakianski http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j207/drhart2006/fffffuuuuuuu.jpg
  7. Not a bad day, lets pick up three tomorrow.
  8. Ameritoon

    Points target

    Pardon my ignorance, I seem to remember things about fixture lists not being allowed on a forum a few years ago, but are they copyrighted or something? Seems odd, nothing even remotely like that in the States.
  9. Put very simply, because it's been talked about loads, it's because he left in January when we were in the middle of a relegation battle, instead of seeing that out and then leaving in the summer. The way he went about getting a move got a lot of peoples backs up too. Being out with a phantom injury to force the club's hand. The fact that a couple of weeks before the transfer window opened he reckoned he was happy at Newcastle too. He's certainly not the first person, or the last to do that.
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