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Everything posted by Froggy

  1. Madrid are going to have to press heavily and they're going to get caught on the break. Barca are so, so quick on the counter. So happy Biscuits didn't score, the rat.
  2. Good commentating there. "Hitzelburger."
  3. Good goal from the dickhead De Jong. 4th is essentially wrapped up.
  4. City are ruining riot here too. It's when not if.
  5. Demba Ba potential signing for Newcastle should West Ham go down? I think he's a quality player. His transfer fee was heavily dependant on league appearances too. Probably available quite cheap.
  6. Four goals past Chelsea at the Bridge earlier in the season right? Just pretend it's the Carling Cup
  7. You lot could always do us a favour of course?
  8. If Chelsea beat us it'll go down to goal difference. We play Blackpool on the last day of the season and Chelsea have Everton at Goodison. Football eh?
  9. Suppose we can't complain, but that's a penalty.
  10. Arsenal are playing fantastic it has to be said. The determination in those tackles to stop the attacks is the most I've seen them show all season.
  11. Only when they've something to play for. Had they been in the title race it would probably be 3-0 to us.
  12. He has, but he's been taking a lot more which is why it's more noticeable. Nani was taking plenty and he's absolutely horse-shit at taking frees. Giggs takes them on the right hand side. If Hargreaves was fit he'd been taking them on the left, but it's doubtful we'll even see Hargreaves again. -----
  13. Most Manchester United fans are always going to point to yesterday when any controversy happens in this game. Only for Chelsea's two goals yesterday we wouldn't have needed to get anything from this game. In the grand scheme of things it's still a penalty and a red.
  14. Linesman really should have seen that. Riding our lucky massively.
  15. Nailed on goal within 10 minutes for you lot then. Well to be fair it's usually us doing the pressing. It's rare that we get outplayed and sneak one, but I'll happily accept that today. No width at all. I still see Park as a central player and Nani usually always cuts inside. Need to get a foothold in the game soon. You speak good sense. Sarcasm? He gets played in left midfield in big games but is rarely on the wing. He comes inside to help out the midfield so they don't get over-run. Very, very rarely will you see him try and beat a player down the wing and get a cross in. I wasn't being sarcastic and I'm the last person you need to educate on the playing characteristics of Jisung Park Sorry fella my mistake! Didn't mean to lecture or be condescending. Normally I have to deal with a lot of opposition supporters not rating Park.
  16. Nailed on goal within 10 minutes for you lot then. Well to be fair it's usually us doing the pressing. It's rare that we get outplayed and sneak one, but I'll happily accept that today. No width at all. I still see Park as a central player and Nani usually always cuts inside. Need to get a foothold in the game soon. You speak good sense. Sarcasm? He gets played in left midfield in big games but is rarely on the wing. He comes inside to help out the midfield so they don't get over-run. Very, very rarely will you see him try and beat a player down the wing and get a cross in. ----- If it's not sarcasm sorry btw. Also very lucky Vidic didn't get booked and a free kick given 20 yards out for that tackle.
  17. Nailed on goal within 10 minutes for you lot then. Well to be fair it's usually us doing the pressing. It's rare that we get outplayed and sneak one, but I'll happily accept that today. No width at all. I still see Park as a central player and Nani usually always cuts inside. Need to get a foothold in the game soon.
  18. We've barely had a touch of the ball here. Arsenal could be two up already.
  19. My God Lovenkrands is an idiot most if not all the time. Could have swung a right foot at that and instead heads it back to the keeper in a routine backpass. Shocking. Newcastle will be made to regret not scoring from all those free kicks and corners. They're dominating play here.
  20. I reckon Al-Habsi is a good keeper too, but he's a Bolton player. Cleverley is great too but he'll be coming back to Man Utd next season and I can see him playing a big enough part if a star player isn't bought.
  21. Rodallega would be a good signing assuming Wigan go down. He's Wigans top Premier League scorer of all time with... 21 goals.
  22. Got my ticket and travel sorted for Wednesday too. Day trip. I will sleep on Thursday. Hopefully Schalke make a good game of it and it doesn't turn into a shitfest like last night.
  23. http://i1.kwejk.pl/site_media/obrazki/62030-nakurwiamy.jpg
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