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Bishops Finger

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Everything posted by Bishops Finger

  1. Well just wait to see what wor Stevie has too say after the game
  2. Incase he gets asked a question he doesn't want to answer
  3. Think Shearer had 8 and Rafa a similar number. Plenty of time if they act now. Of course they won't. I hope they stick with Bruce. If anyone deserves the blame for going down it him. A lot of idiots blame rafa and shearer for our last relegations
  4. Fulham 3 points behind us with a better goal difference and we play them last game of the season. What could possibly go wrong?
  5. Fulham have had 73% possession but no shots on goal. Lucky for Stevie Boy they're as shit as he is Edit; sorry they've had 2 shots on target
  6. My thoughts entirely. Won't happen. Ashley won't drop the price enough for it to go through and we'd definitely be stuck with Bruce aswell since he's such a brilliant Championship manager. So borrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddddddddddd! Is Ashley stays then Im gone.........that is all! Same. It's a win win situation for me. Either the takeover goes through and I can look forward to us competing again or it doesn't and I completely walk away. I'm not just on about NUFC either. I'm not watching another Premier League game. Haven't watched many this season so next should be easier
  7. If we drop into the bottom 3 this idiot would still play for a draw
  8. My thoughts entirely. Won't happen. Ashley won't drop the price enough for it to go through and we'd definitely be stuck with Bruce aswell since he's such a brilliant Championship manager.
  9. If he comes out with the "couldn't be happier" shit again I'm going to threaten to hope he dies of covid
  10. Someone just posted this on BBC website "Premier League top 6 all non-English managers, bottom 6 all English managers. Doesn't say much for the current state of English football management, eh Mr Bruce?"
  11. Apparently the Saudi's have got a boatload of dodgy BeOut boxes they need rid of
  12. Jake Humphreys isn't letting it go like, fair play to him. Bruce must absolutely hate him by now. He’ll have his dense as fuck son on Jim White’s show on Monday saying Jake Humphreys has been sending death threats off a fake account no doubt. Honestly he is an absolute embarrassment. Every club he’s been at he’s played the “woe is me” victim card, other than Hull. He knows he’s a shite football manager and that’s why criticism gets to him so much. If he had came in and shut his mouth and got on with it, instead of the cheap digs at the fans and a man whose arse Bruce isn’t fit to wipe in Benitez then maybe he wouldn’t be as despised. Same with his mates that stick up for him in the media, funny that they’re all either failed managers or no mark journeyman footballers. ?
  13. Malcolm Macdonald was excellent on it too as he was a fantastic sprinter. Yeah I remember SuperMac in it. I'm sure he snapped the bike chain in one race, I'm sure I'm not just making that up?
  14. Some knacker put him on the same list as Saivet, Lazaar Aarons a couple of weeks ago ffs CalmintheChaos[/member] Love him now though Maybe your post inspired him to work harder. Or maybe he's just playing in his natural position
  15. Bruce is more than capable of losing 6 in a row to L1 Sunderland, nevermind the PL version. At least that's one thing we should be thankful for. Bruce in charge of a Derby would be a nightmare, as thw mackems found out haha
  16. That's ok then, if this takeover doesn't go through I'll be supporting Gateshead next season anyway so won't expect much more. Owt's better than listening to those dickhead pundits telling us what they think we think, and if this bellend manager's still here it'll make it all so much easier.
  17. Wins of; 2-5 7-2 1-6 0-5 2 x 4-0 3 x 3-0 Is that bloke still sniffing the white stuff
  18. I bet when he sees Steve Bruce he says he looks like a really shit manager
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