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Bishops Finger

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Everything posted by Bishops Finger

  1. 2 things I don't want to see at the Spurs game. Steve Bruce Anything to do with Sports Direct
  2. Or a state funeral for the poor little fecker
  3. I'll start the bidding at minus 40 quid?
  4. There'll be a few spurs tickets going cheap if this shit fall through ?
  5. It would just give other fans an excuse to hate us from day one though and I don't think the Saudis want that. I'm not sure I do either. I love Rafa and I always wanted him here when the takeover went through but I don't want us just steeling other clubs managers and players to prove a point. Then it would just be buying the league title and everything else
  6. I also can't wait to hear the plans for the whole city. If anything good is going to come from this is giving the whole area a boost whether you're into football or not
  7. Exactly mate. Just wanting the team to win again will be enough for me haha.
  8. Well I feel more alive just thinking about it
  9. Who knows but as long as Bruce isn't given another second will be a breath of fresh air
  10. I've always admired yours and Whitley's optimism mate but I lost a lot of faith in this going through and you've took a lot of stick for it. So you's deserve to enjoy this moment more than most, you've stuck to your guns when most if us would have just fecked off, so good on you's lads
  11. Please let this be the day it gets announced. Can't cope with anymore delays. Just need this confirmed now so I can relax a bit
  12. I said a while ago he probably had it in mind when he gave Bruce a rolling contract. The Saudis will have to pay him off. It was the only conciliation I had when I thought the deal had fell through. That Ashley was eventually going to have to pay the twat off himself. Unfortunately he wins again
  13. And they'll be calling us deluded Geordies for it too
  14. It's just gutting it won't be Rafa. If anyone deserved this gig it's him
  15. It's going to be great laughing out loud at the jealous feckers haha
  16. Can't wait to watch the Spurs game now. Should be a brilliant atmosphere. Hope to fuck my BeOutQ box is still working
  17. I wouldn't take the risk mate. He might put it out
  18. Just go with it lads and lasses. We'll all be pissed of together on a few days and take it out on Manorpark and Whitley lol
  19. Aye. He was pointing at every house saying Fuck you, fuck you, f...........
  20. Maybe they're the same person. I've never seen them in the same room
  21. Oh shit. I'm getting sucked in again ffs
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