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Everything posted by LFEE

  1. LFEE

    Shola Ameobi

    More like his contract situation... I dare say he's keen to play in Brazil though...
  2. Thought it fitting the opening goal was scored by number 11... As was the equaliser...
  3. So they'll not be dancing in Dublin after all...
  4. Messi's injuries have helped... Two great players...
  5. Girls holding the flags not as impressive in the reverse fixture...
  6. Nah. Sweden vs. Portugal on SS1 and Algeria vs. Burkina Faso on BT 2. Cheers...
  7. Is the France v Ukraine match on TV?...
  8. Portugal really like to get it wide and cross it...
  9. LFEE

    Fraser Forster

    He was woeful the few times I seen him play... Blew his big chance in the Leeds friendly IMO...
  10. So what's the deal with the calendars in a nutshell?...
  11. Calendar would be great... Book not so...
  12. Just says he's been injured... Could be in squad for Spurs...
  13. Mattypnufc is spot on... There is no tie in which is why it was always a no-brainer to sign up... Cancel your DD in feb allows you to watch the full season as you've effectively paid for all the games... Cancel it before Feb and access to the ground will be cancelled...
  14. was a f***ing shambles, the whole stewarding through the game. They're still incapable of hosting this game without the risk of people getting hurt. Hopefully they go down and end up with more manageable 20k crowds. That said the brainless bunch of 20 lads who caused the crush outside turnstile 71 allegedly to try and rush the turn styles because some of them didn't have tickets want to take a long look at themselves too. That's where I was, heard a few without tickets went over like, infact you could tell in the ground as the stairs were f***ing chocker. Heard about that, how bad was it? Loads of people around me got in without tickets, it was absolutely rammed. Anyone could have walked in without a ticket. The fire exit doors were opened once the turnstile was broke. Worst thing about the away down there is knowing you're going to get crushed 3 times - once at Central, again at the turnstiles and again at St Peters on the way back. Horrible, horrible feeling. At one point on Sunday I was lifted off the floor and was kept in the air being crushed inbetween two blokes. One day, there'll be a death at a derby game because the police escorts are shambolic. Well... All i can say is i feel very lucky to still be able to walk today as i was one of the ones crushed... My knee is swollen and bruised... Calf is done in... Ribs sore... Back hurts... Police brought us up far too late for people not to start panicking when they saw the crowds which were caused by all the turnstiles jamming... A steward was pressurised into open the side door but didn't move the wheelie bin out the way which toppled over and blocked the bottom of the door (only one would open as the other jammed and started to buckle under the pressure)... Everyone charged from the back to get through a single door not being able to see the bin was in the way... I got my leg jammed between bin and wall and span 180 degrees and almost had the life squeezed out of me... Possibly one if not thee scariest moment in my life... The game just passed me by to be honest... SAFC rang me back today after leaving them a message yesterday... They are aware of the events but tried to distance themselves as you'd expect... I might not let this one drop so easy... It was disgraceful...
  15. The offer is much appreciated. That's standard procedure as far as I am concerned. Aye, it's standard as f***, just some decide to miss out. No worries... Night obviously = weekend if needed...
  16. The last few leave around 12.14 onwards... So no later...
  17. Always up for a bit of socialising... Can probably put a couple of people up for the night for those not local who might need accommodation...
  18. LFEE

    Sir Alex Ferguson

    Good to see Snow give him no easy ride... http://www.channel4.com/news/sir-alex-ferguson-fergie-manchester-united
  19. LFEE

    Yohan Cabaye retires

  20. Still got a spare ticket for this... Tough choices ahead... Might just flip a coin...
  21. I'll have a coach on... I normally just drive so I get to choose the music... ...and make a weekend of it seeing the sights... Just doing grounds this year I've not been to before with The Hawthorns being one of them...
  22. "It eventually stopped and we went off to the 24-hour McDonalds..."
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