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Everything posted by LFEE

  1. Deal called off a few hours ago I believe with Fulham confirming they will go back in to sign him in the summer...
  2. Maybe we should sign Le Fondre and help doom Reading!
  3. LFEE

    Alan Pardew

    Thought he got his subs & bench wrong again...
  4. LFEE


    Heard from a friend yesterday (i know i know) that Graham's mother has said he wants to sign for NUFC and there is interest but his agent wants him to go to SAFC due to money reasons... Wonder if the reaction might cloud things... After Shola's performance last night i would take him if it meant he never got another game...
  5. Just back from the match... Any word on his injury? He could hardly move last 20 mins... Looked like a groin problem... PS He was loving the fans... Was still turning back to applaud them even inside the tunnel...
  6. Never thought I find myself agreeing with a statement like this after some of his performances last season... But it seems as though his legs have gone...
  7. Staying over for the night... In a nutshell... Professional performance 1st half... 2nd half a mess made worse with each substitution... We look very lightweight still all over the pitch...
  8. LFEE

    Florian Thauvin

    It was mentioned a week ago that he wanted to go to Lille...
  9. It must of been that word i had with him Saturday morning...
  10. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2269804/Harry-Redknapps-QPR-playersin-furious-bust-FA-Cup-defeat-EXCLUSIVE.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490
  11. https://mobile.twitter.com/ScottForbes86/status/296020619756195840/photo/1
  12. LFEE

    Other clubs' transfers

    Pogatetz to West Ham on loan... Wonder how long it will take him to collect his first red card...
  13. most definitely actually looks ill in some recent photos That's what this job does to you... We're an enigma of a club...
  14. Yes us and Southampton... Was in the papers (12th)...
  15. @brett150676: Spoke to #avfc their will be away tickets on sale from the away end box office 1.5 hours before kick off! & they say theirs plenty! #nufc For those thinking of going last minute...
  16. Eh.. sent my daughter to Town yesterday to get me two from SJP Club shop, she was told they were £8 each You have failed her. She fkn failed me I called in at SJP shop and they defo had none and claimed Metro Centre had been sending customers their way as if they had none either but confirmed price was £1... I went to the joke shop a few hundred yards away... £3.95 but look nicer as they have the comedy little tail... Had around 4 left in stock as I left...
  17. @nufcfans: Jesualdo Ferreira: "Whoever has the money to activate the clause will be able to buy Ricky, that's how the market works." #NUFC Anyone know the size of the release fee?...
  18. Picked up a nice beret yesterday for the trip... I see the club shops had all sold out of there's...
  19. I agree... We are happy with our lot but if there is any change in St Etienne or Bastia's stance we'll be in there if we can... Can see Butland going to Liverpool with Reiner going to Barcelona if Valdes gets his wish to leave...
  20. Thing is i don't think he will be replacing Colo, i know he's here at the moment but Mbiwa is Colo's long term replacement and any CB we buy will be a partner for him rather than a replacement for Colo. That's how i see it anyway. that make sense to anyone ? Yep... Next centre half will be the aggressive goal scoreing type that AP talked about... Douglas could fit the bill but I'm sure there will be a few others on the radar...
  21. From another thread but relevant all the same... http://www.just-football.com/2013/01/newcastle-uniteds-french-players-analysis/
  22. Almost finished reading I Am The Secret Footballer... Well worth a look for those who haven't and would like to know what goes on behind the scenes... Only bit of NUFC so far is... "The saddest gambling story I've ever heard involved 2 NUFC players who would kill time in hotel rooms before games by betting big money on which raindrop would fall from the top of the window frame first..."
  23. LFEE

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    What people forget is the margins of our victories last season were always slim with only WBA away and Stoke at home being anything close to comfortable... Doesn't take many injuries and other teams strengthing for that slight balance to change... Just because we finished 5th a lot of people on here go on as if we smashed a load of teams... Yeah but we were very comfortable at the back a lot of the time, didn't feel too nervous like we do now from set pieces in particular You obviously don't remember hanging on against Fulham, Wigan, Norwich, Wolves, Villa and Everton all at home and that's just off the top of my head...
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