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Everything posted by LFEE

  1. LFEE


    He's just texted Steve Howey on TotalSport during the show... Should be announce later... Good signing for them... Wonder what wages they are paying though...
  2. LFEE

    Other clubs' transfers

    1. Wouldn't even join us nevermind them... 2. Record not that great and was being banded around at similar prices when we looked at him... 3. Don't know him so I'll take your word for it...
  3. LFEE

    Other clubs' transfers

    I think SAFC will be expecting 10-15 from him...
  4. LFEE

    Other clubs' transfers

    Good shout... No reason to think SAFC couldn't tempt him... How many goals do you think he'd guarantee this season?
  5. LFEE

    Other clubs' transfers

    But he's never going to go to Sunderland so irrelevant...
  6. LFEE


    Posted it in the transfer thread but news breaking that Johnson has signed...
  7. LFEE

    Other clubs' transfers

    I reckon Rhodes is a bit too similar to Campbell and not a target man... The other lad was always going to Reading as their chairman wanted to push it through at any wage cost due to himself being Russian... Someone in the Spanish league is a but vague...
  8. LFEE

    Other clubs' transfers

    Johnson has signed for SAFC...
  9. LFEE

    Other clubs' transfers

    Playing devils advocat a little... Who do people think they could of signed to score goals for a better price?...
  10. LFEE

    Other clubs' transfers

    Fletcher confirmed... 4yr deal...
  11. LFEE

    Other clubs' transfers

    Rodgers quoted saying its well along the line so looks like its happening in next 24hrs...
  12. From a lad who was there tonight according to his Twitter... @Thomas91nufc: Spoke to Simpson before the game. Wants to stay but no contract for him to sign. He says his last offer wasn't good enough. #NUFC
  13. Going off the pre-seasons games and opening 2 games of the season we seem to be needing more mobility and pace as an option... Not keen on Carroll's return at all... I feel it would create more problems than it would solve...
  14. We'll all have to become Copenhagen fans for the night and keep our fingers crossed a positive result speeds things along...
  15. LFEE

    Other clubs' transfers

    Although I agree some of these fees are mental to a degree we've got to bare in mind how the financial landscape of football will change in the Premiership next season with the new TV deal... Is it not the case that this of all seasons is the season clubs want to fight to stay in it?...
  16. LFEE

    Alan Pardew

    If Wenger got 1 game and £8k fine as a precedent then can't see it being much more... Maybe a couple of extra games suspended for a season or two..
  17. LFEE

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Peter Beardsley was twice the player Ben Arfa is and I love our Frenchman. Beardsley had it all. In many ways Ben Arfa, given his talent, should be up there as one of the best players in the world but he isn't and that is down to inconsistency and from what Pardew alluded to, perhaps a rather lacklustre approach to training. That and his attitude of course. He is 26 now and should be for France for example what Zidane was, their main man. That's the kind of talent he has. Back to Beardsley, he would be worth 30m or so today. Easily. Beardsley was an extremely hard working player in the mould of say Tevez or Rooney but he was immaculately discplined. He had amazing vision and his dribblibg, sorry but as good as Ben Arfa is, Beardsley was twinkle toes. He was genuinley two footed as well and could score all manner of goals from all over the park. He was an unselfish player too and a real team-player. People say Gazza is the best we have ever produced but do you know what, in terms of general all-round ability and being able to put it to full use, I don't think this region has produced anyone as food as Beardsley. If we had him today, he would make the difference between Europa and CL footy. Great post, couldn't agree more. Speaking of Pedro being two footed; that last minute goal down at Palace in 94-95, man. Past two players and top corner with the left foot from 20+ yards. I'll consider myself pretty lucky if I ever witness an NUFC player with that level of ability again. Agree with HTT and Ronaldo points... Beardsley is the best player i've seen playing for NUFC... I'd honestly put 100 of Beardsley's best goals and assists up against anybodies and they wouldn't be disgraced...
  18. That's why I believe the 3 targets we know of are our only ones... Debuchy, Douglas and sadly Carroll...
  19. Their right back Beria has been s****. I can't blame them for not wanting to let Debuchy leave. From what I've seen Coppenhagen have been mainly attacking down Lille's left hand side...
  20. Lille loosing... Hope the Danes do us a favour...
  21. Ba reckons he'll be taking the next one... Missed his last 2 hasn't he?...
  22. LFEE


    Anyone see the MON interview on YT where he avoids giving an answer when questioned about sectarianism... Comedy Gold...
  23. For 'close to £10m'? Think it's nearer £5.5m but still wouldn't touch him...
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