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Everything posted by LFEE

  1. You don't state what tier your ticket is? Gallowgate has the same row/seats but Lower... Middle and Upper tier...
  2. Banned from driving for 6month apparently...
  3. Krul Anita Saylor Colo Santon Tiote Jonas HBA Cabaye Marv Ba/Cisse
  4. They were talking about the documentary on the radio today and apparently it will show Daglish being sacked... Or at least the decision being made... Apparently that is why he had to fly out there... Should be interesting viewing...
  5. Always think you're better saving those types of shot with your feet...
  6. http://www.nufcfans.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/nufcfans_mike_ashley_newcastle_united_owner.jpg Thank you for obliging...
  7. LFEE


    There was talk of a £400k pay-off a month or so ago but no confirmation he agreed it...
  8. Was thinking 8th but decided on 9th... Reasons for that being last season as great as it was in the league we really struggle to make goal scoring chances... I just can't envisage us taking such a percentage of what few we make... Considering how many games we won by the odd goal and other teams around us strengthening will have an impact... I disagree with AP when he said Anita will take us to another level... Personally i thought 2 more defenders comfortable on the ball and going forward and with larger threat from set-pieces would've... (Debuchy/Douglas) And finally last season I felt we got what money can't buy... Those little breaks... Since following us in 82 i can't recall a season when those little moments arise in games and they go your way... Last season I felt watching us we got the majority of those little moments... I hope I'm wrong but feel this transfer window may be regretted... Who knows... Football makes a mug of everyone... But its a big ask for us to keep so many clean sheets again and without them i think we will struggle...
  9. LFEE

    Deadline Day Thread

    He will later I suppose, though. Aye, tomorrow probably. He's just got on a flight with his teammates for their game tomorrow so looking doubtful...
  10. LFEE

    Ryan Taylor

    They reckon that kind of injury is 12month min according to TalkSport...
  11. Wigan looking at getting Zaha... Still a good option for us...
  12. LFEE

    Deadline Day Thread

    Adam to Stoke confirmed...
  13. LFEE

    Deadline Day Thread

    Another great fee for Spurs... Dawson for £9m would just top it...
  14. LFEE

    Deadline Day Thread

    Abramovich has just won his court battle... Wonder if he will celebrate by buying Hulk/Falcao...
  15. Sounds like the name of a s*** 90's rental shop. That's a blast from the past... Remember watching them in the final against Real Madrid in 1985...
  16. LFEE

    Other clubs' transfers

    QPR must have more than 25 senior players at the club now, Shirley. Was thinking the same. Must be a fair number of players that cannot be registered that they will still need to pay. They let 14 go in the summer and have spent only £8m this summer... all according to the owner...
  17. Any one notice Simpson do his usual and throw straight to their player in the corner and 5-10seconds later they are in shooting range... Was like a re-run of Arsenal...
  18. Besides the fact that we didn't pay £12m to get him back? Pretty relieved hearing this tbh. Still want us to sign someone, but it would have been ridiculous. Agree with both... Now the club know they can't hide behind the Carroll deal... We know going off bids put in for Carroll/De Jong that we have £12m approx min in the kitty to strengthen the squad...
  19. nope Yes... How is it? We won't be signing anyone else. Do you hold Shola Ameobi in higher regard than Carroll? We don't know that for sure though I admit it's not looking great... Carroll would be a waste of our resources in my opinion and would be nothing but trouble off the pitch which thankfully we seemed to see the back off last season and reaped the rewards...
  20. He's looked very ponderous every game I've seen him play so i'd personally disagree... Looking at the comments the Rhodes transfer has received i think it seems quite clear not many people think he is worth £8m...
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