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Everything posted by LFEE

  1. How... Where will he get the service from?... We'll just end up with the same problem Liverpool have now... Don't quite understand what you are getting at here? Our strike force scored plenty last season, so to me they must have been getting decent service. Why would that service change if Carroll was on the pitch? You're including goals Cisse and to a lesser extent Ba scored through their quality alone, ala Chelsea. Also the service Carroll requires differs to that of Cisse. Cabaye putting a through ball for Cisse is ideal, whereas Carroll's strengths lie else where. Last time around with AC our play was very much one dimensional. That's my understanding of what he's getting at anyway. This mantra is regularly trotted out. And it's absolute garbage. Tell me where you will fit him in the team etc...
  2. How... Where will he get the service from?... We'll just end up with the same problem Liverpool have now... Don't quite understand what you are getting at here? Our strike force scored plenty last season, so to me they must have been getting decent service. Why would that service change if Carroll was on the pitch? You're including goals Cisse and to a lesser extent Ba scored through their quality alone, ala Chelsea. Also the service Carroll requires differs to that of Cisse. Cabaye putting a through ball for Cisse is ideal, whereas Carroll's strengths lie else where. Last time around with AC our play was very much one dimensional. That's my understanding of what he's getting at anyway. Yes... and far more succinctly...
  3. LFEE

    Other clubs' transfers

    Rhodes £8m to Blackburn
  4. How... Where will he get the service from?... We'll just end up with the same problem Liverpool have now... Don't quite understand what you are getting at here? Our strike force scored plenty last season, so to me they must have been getting decent service. Why would that service change if Carroll was on the pitch? Because if you take a closer look at our season we created very view chances and fortunately converted a high percentage of them... Carroll is not that kind of striker... Also if you have learnt anything from his time here you'll will of noticed he was only affective with a team built round him playing crosses mainly from Barton who is thankfully also long gone... The few games he did have with Ben Arfa it was noticeable he wasn't suited to the subtle change of style... You only have to look at Carroll's recent highlights package from Liverpool to see it's mainly all aerial... We don't currently have a decent crosser of the ball at the club... I'd recommend you re watch our goals from last season and let me know which ones you'd fancy Carroll to convert... We did brilliantly getting 5th but we never open teams up and make a host of chances...
  5. How... Where will he get the service from?... We'll just end up with the same problem Liverpool have now...
  6. Sums the situation up perfectly. Excellent post! Spot on...
  7. What do you mean by the current financial climate? NUFC are one of the few clubs cash rich... TV appearances and 5th finish & Shirt sponsorship has massively increased... Then next years bumper TV deal kicks in... We've a net spend of only £3m but it would be save to say that taking in what the new players will be on compare to those that of left we've probably spent minus this window... If nothing changes in the next 2days it's been a very poor window... Missed opportunity to build on 5th... Possible extra competition to try and win... Give believe to the players who signed and re-signed last season... And just as importantly give something to the fans... I agree with others on hear not wanting Carroll... More versatile striker and Debuchy please...
  8. LFEE

    Other clubs' transfers

    Thought they'd hang on for Walcott... Wonder were he will end up...
  9. This and the other quotes don't make great reading... What would the harm be in saying we are still hopeful of 1 or 2 coming through the door if we were anywhere near close to doing something... I'm still hoping we are waiting to qualify for the group stages before pushing the boat out one last time to increase the squad size by improving the first team... The harm would be in press coverage alerting other clubs potentially? - May just be bluffing - although it seems unlikely. If your not naming the club or the player or the position what and who are you alerting?...
  10. This and the other quotes don't make great reading... What would the harm be in saying we are still hopeful of 1 or 2 coming through the door if we were anywhere near close to doing something... I'm still hoping we are waiting to qualify for the group stages before pushing the boat out one last time to increase the squad size by improving the first team...
  11. Would be more than happy to see that team out tomorrow. Lots of people seem to be playing this game down for some reason and apparently we've only shifted 17,000 tickets. The great season we had last year, all that hard work put in, well this is our reward. Going out in August, before the group stages would be a disaster in my opinion, maybe not on the same scale as the Partizan Belgrade game, but would make all that hard work put in last season look rather pointless. I just hope Pardew and the players are taking it more seriously than the supporters seem to be. Like i said earlier in the thread... This game should of been free with a ST... Big crowd... Cheer us on into the group stage hopefully... Also the fact that we've a small squad now than last season seems to suggest the club aren't taking it serious either... If Debuchy/Douglas/Remy etc was making his debut I think you'll find a few more thousand going...
  12. If Liverpool bite the bullet and accept £12m for Carroll maybe... Hardly gets the pulse racing...
  13. Just another point of view with some merits... Let's judge the window when it closes...
  14. Most of the transfer tittle tattle is orchestrated with betting in mind...
  15. Nothing new... People thinking we'd sell for £10-15m etc obviously will just believe what they want to believe...
  16. Real Madrid are ready to offer €10m which is €2m more than the €8m we thought Lille were holding out for? No... Lille were always hoping for €10m but some on here refused to accept it and insisted they only wanted €8m as fact... We'll find out for sure in next few days if the Madrid interest is genuine... Arbeloa has been in decent form of late but Debuchy has very similar qualities to Contrao so would make some sense having them playing either side... Hang on, no-one knows for sure what the official asking price is / was. Both €10m and €8m were quoted in equal doses off various different tabloids. If Real are intrested they could be offering €10m as they know we havnt got a hope in hell of competing with it. Blowing the competition out the water so to speak. True... No one really knows... Probably a case of €8m gets your name in the hat whereas €10m has Lille packing his locker for him... €6m might be get him if no one else wants him... For the optimists... Ben Arfa turned down late interest from RM to join us... So hope this is true, it would make my love of HBA even stronger "He turned down Madrid... When Marseille wanted rid... That's Ben Arfa..." Can't remember the second verse...
  17. Some sweet strikes in the Forest v Wigan tie...
  18. Not sure it was Simpson turning the offers down or the offers not being as big as the club expected but either way shifting Simpson off the books this window seems intrinsic to the Debuchy transfer...
  19. That's the word from France also... At least we now know what Mourinho was really texting AP about...
  20. Someone has just tweeted of our interest now... €4m loan fee...
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