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Everything posted by LFEE

  1. Looks very leggy for someone so young... Very sluggish... Not interested what colour he is as it has no bearing on anything... What are these gifts he possesses?...
  2. I've yet to see anything impressive about him from all the footage available... Rather we looked elsewhere... What do others see in him that I'm missing?...
  3. Government are not accepting e-petitions on this matter... Not within their boundaries of legislation...
  4. LFEE

    Joey Barton

    He'll not be amused by the picture the cast have sent him... No loved lost obviously...
  5. Loved when Pedro threw McGrath the stick to fetch... Great goal...
  6. I've watched us long enough to know when we are getting the rub of the green... Just little moments which can turn another way... Not saying we don't deserve to be 3rd top... And not saying we hold a monopoly on luck this season...
  7. We have had a large slice of luck in my eyes... But they do say you make your own luck... Let's just enjoy it while it lasts and not worry about what the media or other fans think.. It would be hilarious if we got a point at City...
  8. LFEE

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Don't know if it's been mentioned but Colo gave him a mouthful for not attempting to close down one of the Everton players... Then one or two others chipped in also... Seemed to switch him on a bit more for the final few minutes...
  9. LFEE

    Steven Taylor

    Am I the only one that hasn't forgot he's got a broken nose!?... Last thing he needs is to play more football these next two weeks...
  10. Proven is ok... Gary Birtles... Now there's a different story...
  11. Header... Left foot... Right foot... In case it hasn't been mentioned already...
  12. Not missed in a game where the midfield is by-passed but was a massive miss against Blackburn in the Cup where Colo had his worst game this season...
  13. LFEE

    Football pet hates

    i was totally unaware that they were all the same now, i did wonder what happened to our nets and goalpost that i had got used to over the years I agree... Used to love the Juventus goals in their old Stadio Communale in the 80's... Or the stripey framework of the goals in Hungary... Do they get any deeper than Real Zaragoza's?...
  14. Because he's played poor when given two chances to impress whereas DG has played canny during his couple of chances...
  15. If you are referring to me I'm not questioning... Simply informing others who weren't there how well he did on the night who've asked the question... I'm not going to hide the fact he wasn't great... Like most of the team on the night... My only prophecy as such is that he is a right back and not a left back in my eyes...
  16. Was their sarcastic cheering and jeering, same as against Wigan Is Tiote training, or are you not actually there? No sarcasm... He did well... And if you check his thread I try to defend him when the criticism is unwarranted and goes overboard... No Tiote... No Saylor... Everyone else though... Read on Ryder's twitter S.Taylor was training with his mask on! Hope Tiote is ok for Stoke, doesn't look good if he doesn't train today though. Didn't see Saylor myself but maybe he was off to the side away from the main action...
  17. Was their sarcastic cheering and jeering, same as against Wigan Is Tiote training, or are you not actually there? No sarcasm... He did well... And if you check his thread I try to defend him when the criticism is unwarranted and goes overboard... No Tiote... No Saylor... Everyone else though...
  18. ... And a 2nd... He's on a role now...
  19. Obertan just scored first goal in the practice match... Knew he had it in him...
  20. I'd actually agree with your mate... And before you ask I was the designated driver!... Blackburn doubled up on him every time but still took them both on more often than not... Obviously prefers the pull back cross as he did that on a few occasion with no one reading them apart from the one leading to the penalty... My concern is his bravery in certain situations which was quite noticeable in the wall for their 3rd goal if you look closely... Something in him... Just getting it out... Still very young and played very little... Football is funny... Watching Marveaux change the game against Wigan you couldn't help think start with him... Then Marveaux does little when given his chance and Obertan comes on and looks promising... Is that a paradox or something? :-)
  21. How was his attacking? sounded like he had a few runs going by the radio? Ineffective... Especially when playing Left Back as the defenders knew he'd check back which he did every time... Didn't get much more joy down the right either... Plus points were he was comfortable with the ball at his feet and his one on one defending seemed good... Big lad but quick... Yet barged off the ball worryingly a few times too many for my liking... Very early days... Certainly would be looking to swap him for Simpson in our starting XI asap...
  22. I know what point your making... But on the flip side that was Colo's worst showing for a while and Tiote was badly missed last night...
  23. LFEE

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Too early to judge I know especially with him having such a disrupted Pre-season... BUT.......... I think it sadly looks like he's lost a yard of pace and more importantly that acceleration that made him stand out when watching him in the Champions League and his first 3 and a bit appearances for us last year... Looks bulkier yet no stronger... Keeping my fingers crossed I'm wrong...
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