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Toon Hoser

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Everything posted by Toon Hoser

  1. That bib is like some kind of soul-sucking black hole.
  2. Happened to me at a pub in Toronto once. Was wearing a retro top with no sponsor.
  3. Asked first, googled second. Sorry. It sounds more like a system similar to Paypal.
  4. Palace's sponsor "Neteller" - is that another wonga type outfit?
  5. That's it, I just hit the wall. Can't look at another simple striped shirt. Puma ruins everything. I fucking hate them.
  6. Based on the leaks I was resigned to this shit shirt already. Puma fucks up a simple black and white design again. Pointless black bib, WHY? Fuck Puma, fuck Wonga. On the bright side, Toffs wins again.
  7. Hope 14/15 is a cracking season. Hope to see a bunch of clubs in the mix. ...or is Juve going to run away with it again?
  8. Thank God it's rank. A clean striped shirt with WONGA would have been
  9. Toon Hoser


    Another furry one.
  10. Who is the mental deficient who designed that yellow one, and then thought to themselves "You know what would look canny? A tire tread right in the middle."
  11. Toon Hoser


    Apparently the advert puppets have been sacked.
  12. Toon Hoser


    Just saw this on the Twitter:
  13. Interested in following the African Cup of Nations next, if possible.
  14. I play it safe and buy one size bigger, and they fit fine (I like loose shirts tho - others may prefer the chiselled look).
  15. Cilessen looks like he's dying many silent deaths each minute of this.
  16. I'm resigned to it being a crap shirt with horrible sponsor and buying something nice from Toffs instead. There's the excitement!
  17. That one might be the best yet, it's horrifically bad with that sponsor.
  18. Derby going Brazilian this year. YES! Canny timing. [*official NUFC mad yellow mock-Brazil shirts lover*]
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