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Toon Hoser

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Everything posted by Toon Hoser

  1. Yellow shirts dropped to £28.99. CABAYE 4 ORDERED!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  2. Big bounce back for a win. If they wear the yellow shirts, we'll see a comfortable 0-12 final score.
  3. Home and Change shirts are both now 'on sale' @ £27.99 Yellow shirts remain at £44.99. I'm keeping an eye out, but please sound the klaxon if you see them going for less.
  4. That deer in the headlights look from AVB.
  5. http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/5311/y8uc.jpg
  6. Yellow shirts man, they are the best! Still waiting to pull the trigger on buying one for myself (Cabaye 4). Got to finish Xmas shopping before such a wild indulgence.
  7. Has anyone got the yellow shirt? Or any of this year's shirts for that matter. How do they fit? For this year's shirts, have Puma made them more baggy, more close-fitting, or just about the same as previous years?
  8. Been holding out, but... all these sexy Cabaye photos... Willpower could crumble any minute now, one more pint could do it. in all my years it's always been my fave away strip (mid 70's) The yellow long sleeve from Toffs is the most beautiful thing ever. this the bad boy ? http://www.toffs.com/content/images/thumbs/0000942_1166fullimage.jpg.jpg Oh yes!
  9. Been holding out, but... all these sexy Cabaye photos... Willpower could crumble any minute now, one more pint could do it. in all my years it's always been my fave away strip (mid 70's) The yellow long sleeve from Toffs is the most beautiful thing ever.
  10. Been holding out, but... all these sexy Cabaye photos... Willpower could crumble any minute now, one more pint could do it.
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