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Everything posted by Ginola

  1. I'd love to know the reasons behind why he always starts and never gets taken off
  2. MYM's been better than Jonas at everything yet still comes off
  3. Gibbs shits a brick every time Benny gets on the ball
  4. Surprised he could fit through the gap with him being so fat...
  5. Off the ball movement has started off better than usual
  6. Good movement and cross from Gouf. Good defending as well but it wasn't a foul
  7. Odds on McCunt going to the mackems? Seems like just their kind of transfer. Wouldn't be surprised if he went to Everton tbh
  8. From those I'd probably take Figueroa for a back up full back and possibly Alcaraz as long as he wasn't the only CB we were signing (if Colo leaves)
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