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Everything posted by Ginola

  1. http://i.imgur.com/4qIn7jF.png
  2. Ginola

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    He dictates the play for us superbly
  3. I know it's only been two games, but he's been better than I expected. Much more intelligent and hard working than I thought he'd be
  4. Ginola

    Papiss Cissé

    Had a couple chances that he probably should have put away, particularly the one in the first half. Worked hard though and his link up play was much better than it has been
  5. I had us on a double with Doncaster, bit surprised at the team that let me down on that one Also had a Crystal Palace single on, small profit
  6. Top post Beren, although I would point out that batteries run out of energy, Sissoko doesn't
  7. I still can't get over that run past Cole, like
  8. Ginola

    Steven Taylor

    Great block at the end, solid throughout as well
  9. So glad we didn't wait til summer to get this guy btw
  11. Glad he's off, but I hope he's alright
  12. They really have done. We've looked like a completely different side, just hope we can keep it up
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