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Everything posted by ExiledGeordie

  1. ExiledGeordie

    Joey Barton

    Fair point, ok consistently solid then? lol Get what your saying though.
  2. ExiledGeordie

    Joey Barton

    at the Llambias quote
  3. ExiledGeordie

    Joey Barton

    Yeah all this bollocks about him being a legend ffs. Robert Lee is a legend in my eyes not someone whose living off the back of one excellent season for us after a series of seasons doing nothing and getting involved with the law. I'm actually pretty glad that the Barton roadshow has left town in many ways, bored of it. That said he's done the job for us and we are now weakened even more with his departure which is frustrating/annoying. Some people need to move on from this though.
  4. Technically very good, quick feet, and has an eye for a quality ball. Defo like the look of him. I like the idea of Marveaux linking up with Cabaye, Obertan, Ben Arfa etc.
  5. ExiledGeordie

    Joey Barton

    All seems a bit tragic really that he's going to end up at QPR. His character issues on the pitch/twitter carry on his ruined chances of going to "one of the bigger" clubs thats for certain. I love watching him play for NUFC but he's a total self publicist with his twitter carry on creating constant drama and often find myself thinking "just shut up and get on with playing football". That said I like the way he'll come on the radio and talk to pundits, fans alike. I don't however like the way he's positioned himself as some kind of club legend when in fact if you break it down most of his career here has been spent on the injury bench, in jail or general controversy. Certainly a proper mixed bag of a player.
  6. You have to give Pardew credit for some stuff like last saturday and some of the stuff he says comes across 100% genuine but then he goes back into club/Ashley/Llambias mouthpiece propoganda and totally mugs himself off.
  7. Smith is obviously going to start after the comments I've just heard from his press conference this morning on sky sports news. Worryingly Pards has been saying "how much stronger our squad is compared to last year"
  8. ExiledGeordie

    Alan Pardew

    I was about to self destruct when I first read those "Pards" quotes!
  9. For some stupid, bazarre reason I'm confident of us signing a left back despite all this brinkmanship. I'm not at all confident of us signing another striker though.
  10. Obertan is an unkown entity them as well as us. Has the pace to hurt them, just hope he rises to the occasion as he's the closest thing we've got to Ben Arfa and someone to really put defenders on the back foot.
  11. There's big pressure on Pardew in terms of the result and the lack of signings etc but the pressure is on Sunderland far more really. They've signed loads of players, they're the ones desperate to give us a drubbing after the 5-1. If it doesn't pan out the way they want you can imagine the players and fans getting really nervous because when all is said and done they'll never have a better opportunity to beat us.
  12. Supporting NUFC under this regime is so fucking tedious
  13. Ash & Derek making a mug out of Pardew at the moment and Pardew mugging himself off with his endless drivel about players being signed. Double mugging off efforts
  14. If we go into the derby without a recognised left back it will be nothing short of criminal. Lets just wait and see I guess but it was pretty clear to everyone that Enrique was off so if we're scraping around for options at this stage or even later and haggling for a cheap price unwilling to spend any money to plug the gap then it just shows what a farce the people are who are running the show (as said a million times).
  15. ExiledGeordie

    Steven Taylor

    WHen he needlessley lost the ball at halfway taking on players then went down "injured" a la his goal line antics is a perfect example of his flawes. I think he looked good though, lean and fast and worked very well with Colo.
  16. Are there any recent updates on Ben Arfa's status? I see on physio room they have October 1st.
  17. ExiledGeordie

    Joey Barton

    Think he handled himself perfectly especially given he was confront by "Mr Angry" lol. I just hope if he does stay he can stay in last season's mould where he just got his head down and played really well. We don't need this twitter/phone in carry on week in week out.
  18. ExiledGeordie

    Alan Pardew

    Otter, I'm a grimly realistic fan depressed with the Ashley regim but calm down it's the first game of the season man, lol
  19. I'll do a war dance if we don't have a new left back signed for next weekend!!!!!!!!!!
  20. A quality striker brought in and Ben Arfa returning to full fitness and playing regularly anywhere from 7-11, if not and a generally negative prediction anywhere from 12-16
  21. Yeah feel very assured with Colo now, he looks to have truly got to grips with the prem, is tough and has good speed to recover in situations. Steven Taylor looks a lot fitter/leaner too and it showed with his performance. A new solid left back will really help them out though.
  22. The guest journo on skysports news this morning mentioned the Bellamy rumour thats afloat. Rubbish probably.
  23. ExiledGeordie

    Alan Pardew

    Top points made above. It'll be easier to judge Pardew when he has a full squad to choose from which will include a new striker, left back and hopefully a fit again Ben Arfa who could be the key for us and should work really well with the likes of Obertan and link the midfield/attack.
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