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Everything posted by Aiston

  1. 90 minutes Should definitely have been dropped a few games ago.
  2. Awful defending yet again from Dummett. Gouffran worse than in the first half.
  3. Appalling defending, especially Colo. We are a bigger danger to ourselves on set pieces than we are the opposition.
  4. Looks like we really want to give De Jong every possible chance to prove we should buy him. Shame we don't give the youngsters those chances.
  5. Don't see how he was solid, he was beaten far too often and rarely blocked any crosses coming into the box. They came pretty close to scoring when Dummett failed to cover. Would like to see Haidara given a chance now. Surely his set pieces cannot be as bad
  6. In Sissoko's defence, he only put the ball where our players usually are, must be the first time this season we had 3 in the opposition box at once
  7. Tiote on free kicks should result in Pardew getting the sack.
  8. I get the feeling the mass hysteria is purely because Mike Ashley. The costs of expanding would far out-way the benefits of a few thousand extra seats.
  9. Our only goal threat? Why? Goal threat? Cisse? More of a threat than anyone else on the pitch or bench
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