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Everything posted by Punk77

  1. Loven isn't past it.. He will receive better passes this year... Too bad with Ranger. His touches looked better in the last game of the season, against WBA..
  2. The man needs a serious reality check..
  3. Somebody got to stay positive in this forum. You negative bastards!!
  4. He's a nice squad player. Our midfield got much more creativity now too, so at last he'll get some passes behind the defense. Also he's earning peanuts compared to Smith and Xisco. It's the latter two that we need to get rid of.
  5. We have progressed. How do you mean we have progressed? I can't see how we have progressed at all seeing as the season hasn't even begun yet? BA, Mav, Cabaye, Gosling and HBA are all players that's capable of creating progress though.. Scary as it is, it's all a case of having a bit of faith in the unknown for now imo Buying new players is risky of course.. But it's the only way to progress. The risk can however be reduced through appointing competent guys like Carr.. I have actually high hopes for this season.. Haven't had this tingling sensation since the glory days of Keegan and SBR.
  6. We have progressed. How do you mean we have progressed? I can't see how we have progressed at all seeing as the season hasn't even begun yet? BA, Mav, Cabaye, Gosling and HBA are all players that's capable of creating progress though..
  7. Crew's official site: http://clbtv.neulion.com/mlsvp/ has posted an post match interview with Sholadinhio and Best. Hopefully they'll have a match report ready soon too..
  8. Because someone's going to have to be content to try and constuct a decent team using the scraps he's given. Furthermore he's going to have to talk to fans and the media knowing full well he's most likely telling a load of blatant lies. I'll ask it once again, why do people think we ended up with an unemployed manager with a dubious track record and nothing left to lose? If you read about him, you'll find out that his track record isn't that bad. He's a competent manager and got people skills. His main problem has been his ego and his desire to put his wiener in cavities reserved for others. And of course he doesn't get paid more if manages to reduce the wage bill. A manager is always interested in getting result, and trimming the wages considerably will not attract promising players, which consequently will hurt his chances of getting results. If he doesn't get results, he'll probably never get another decent manager job again because few wants a manger witout merits..He got an incentive based contract which is as simple as: winning=money..
  9. Mbenge will arrive quickly when Enrique leaves.
  10. Warnock, Shorey or Bridge? He's writing shit, and what's even worse, he's getting paid for it. Those players are the polar opposites of our previous purchases. Never, ever going to happen.
  11. The reason why we sold Nolan had little to do with him being happy or not. NUFC was sensible and didn't want to give him a 5 year contract, but West Ham did. His fitness is questionable and will be even more so as he gets older. The same goes for Barton too. Neither SAF or Wenger hand out lengthy contracts to players in that age group, and nobody is branding them as idiot for following that policy. With todays salaries, it's the sensible option imo. Having two aging, expensive permacrocks (worst case scenario) on the bench that no other clubs want, is not good for the club. It's this scenario we're now experiencing with Smith. He's cashing in, and we cannot reinforce the squad without him leaving. But nobody is interested in him.
  12. The two are evidently inextricably linked. They are..Btw, right now all our stars are happy, except Enrique. We don't know that - maybe they are just keeping quiet about it. And maybe they're happy but are just keeping quiet about it Barton wants to stay, but he's soon 29 and he should not be awarded a lengthy contract, especially when we consider his previous injury troubles.
  13. The two are evidently inextricably linked. They are..Btw, right now all our stars are happy, except Enrique.
  14. Aye, alright. And what is your f***ing point? That they couldn't give two f***s about what he 'tweeted'. And that it was no way an attack on those players. Indirectly it could be seen as an attack.. People are different. Some of the players could be offended. Others don't give a flying f***. Still an unnecessary act. Otherwise, when Pardew said in February about spending the Carroll money to bring in quality players, why weren't Nolan, Barton, Colo, Enrique etc. offended by those comments? Surely he's implying they're not good enough. Fair point. They were not offended because they probably know that they're good enough. Perch and Smith on the other hand should be pretty pissed off by now Seriously though, Enrique could through such comments break up the harmony, which has been great the last couple of years..Although Enrique feels that there are shit players in the group, why tweet about it? Some players probably know that they're inferior to the likes of HBA and Tiote, and as a result they could be offended by Enrique's tweet. He has nothing to gain from such comments, except destroying his own reputation..
  15. Aye, alright. And what is your f***ing point? That they couldn't give two f***s about what he 'tweeted'. And that it was no way an attack on those players. Indirectly it could be seen as an attack.. People are different. Some of the players could be offended. Others don't give a flying fuck. Still an unnecessary act.
  16. Aye, alright. If you were a player, would you not be p*ssed off if another player said he was irritated that the club weren't bringing in quality players? Spot on!
  17. He's disrespecting the good players that we've actually bought. Tiote and HBA are better than he'll ever be. Sell him.
  18. Punk77

    Alan Pardew

    Depends. I think Pards is into something.. SAF's mantra "pass and move" has been implemented by Solskjaer in Molde FK, and they're leading the Norwegian League as we speak. Some of the players have improved dramatically in their passing abilities. And because of constant movement, there's plenty of passing alternatives. That eases also the job for the weakest players since they're always have somebody to pass to,. All this leads to possession. As the game goes on, Molde usually takes more control of the game because the opponent gets tired of running between.. That could be one of the reasons why ManU so often manages to score a goal late in the game.. Such tactics may in particular work against the more physical teams like Blackburn as long as we're able to keep the ball on the ground.
  19. Punk77

    Mevlüt Erdinç

    I've heard that he wants to sign for us, but then this bonus arrangement with PSG surfaced. And according to some reports he's also fallen out with his agent. Got to take this with a pinch of salt though, as always. A great signing if he arrives. We haven't had a speedy workhorse on top since Bellamy left.
  20. Punk77

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Didn't think she could read..Impressed..
  21. Punk77

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Your mum been talking to you again?
  22. Punk77

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Because he's playing football? He's no more like then every other f***ing player, and we don't fear for the likes of Barton getting done over every week, do we? Get a f***ing grip man. I never said i feared him getting injured again . All i said was that as long as Ben Arfa is a footballer, there is a chance of him getting injured. Which seems to be a scenario you refuse to accept. Agreed. And Rocker: Jesus man, comparing HBA and Barton?? The former is fast as hell and the latter is a slowmobile. As a result HBA will often be tackled because that's the only way to stop him. Barton on the other hand, most players manage to keep up with, so tackling him is not necessary. Jayson: With HBA on the pitch, we're still probably not going to win away against eg. ManU, but having a rested HBA when playing Tham, Everton or Villa will increase our winning chances considerably. I just think it's important to protect our best player.
  23. Punk77

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Interpolic: For example. My point is that the PL is a tough league with many games. We should therefore rotate players. HBA shouldn't play home or away against Wolves because we should be able to beat them regardless. As I sad, SAF has done this for years, and we should do the same because the players will benifit from it when the season gets tough and the players are feeling the fatigue.
  24. Punk77

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    We got 7 points against the top 4 last year. Without those points we'd have only stayed up on goal difference. Needless to say I disagree with you. That's correct, but we lost away against City and Manure, hence my point.. We should play him at home, but not away..
  25. Punk77

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Exactly, it's a tactical decision! What will hurt us the most? HBA out for months because we played him away against City and still lost or resting him in some matches which decreases the chances of injury and increases the probability of us taking three points away against opponents that's in the hunt for the same league spot (Everton, Villa, Tham)
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