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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. Wilson

    Papiss Cissé

    I still fail to see how any of this could be an attempt at a payrise step 1 - player kicks up fuss about shirt sponsor step 2 - Mike....
  2. Wilson


    Only reason I'd heard of Cisse was when he was linked to this lot. Would say Haidara was a bit of an 'unknown' and looks to be a decent player.
  3. Either sitting on a bench in London, or sulking about Wonga at the Roulette table. Take your pick.
  4. Wilson

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    Shows how myopic our fans have become and how unable to distingusih between a good player being handicapped and demoralized by the manager/regime, and one who lacks real talent... Cabaye will go on to prove what a class player he is under a better manager who utilizes his talents better and with a more ambitious club.... This and this It's what is so frustrating, I'm fairly certain with Pardew in charge we will NEVER see the full potential of the talented squad we have. We're already hearing murmurings of unsettled players and nothing is going to change (playing style-wise) this season, come January half of them will want out imo. After his quotes on Man U and the fact although he is at times a true gem he can be poor too, more than happy to keep him, would love him to stay IF it is what he wants BUT IF we did sell him for £30m I would not be going nutts. I am just completely writing off the Man U comments, he'd been asked if he'd like to play for them in an interview...99% of players would say yes, seems the media are still hanging on to it tho with shit like 'he wants out' etc etc.
  5. Wilson

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    No it probably doesn't exceed 5th placed finish regularly. But I'm pretty certain we would play a lot better football, and get into Europe most seasons with a manager who played to their strengths. I think pardew lucked out getting us in Europe. I certainly wouldn't expect them to be flirting with relegation, but I suppose we'll have to wait till this seasons over to get a better view of where Pardew can take us. My concern is that if it does go tits up again, we'll lose a few 'purples' before we get to see them under a decent manager.
  6. A day after Kilmarnock and 2 before St Mirren? That'd be strange. Those two are reserve friendlies. aaahhh I did not get that. Makes sense
  7. Wilson

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    Shows how myopic our fans have become and how unable to distingusih between a good player being handicapped and demoralized by the manager/regime, and one who lacks real talent... Cabaye will go on to prove what a class player he is under a better manager who utilizes his talents better and with a more ambitious club.... This and this It's what is so frustrating, I'm fairly certain with Pardew in charge we will NEVER see the full potential of the talented squad we have. We're already hearing murmurings of unsettled players and nothing is going to change (playing style-wise) this season, come January half of them will want out imo.
  8. I hate this sort of thing, the only way he'll get out is a massive bid, fuck what fettle he's in
  9. A day after Kilmarnock and 2 before St Mirren? That'd be strange.
  10. Wilson

    Papiss Cissé

    how exactly does refusing to wear a sponsor get him a pay rise?
  11. Wilson

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    Why? Considering we wanted a flat rate of 25m last summer...I don't think that will have changed this summer considering he still has a few years on his contract and we don't need to sell.
  12. read that before and thought I'd not bother putting it up.... that's it
  13. think a generous mod with nowt to do should shift the comments from here into a new thread.
  14. Nonsense!! we all know the way forward is to worry about the other team!!
  15. So does Cisse given the chance.
  16. It's all I remember, I was around 6, remember lying on my front in the living room watching it with my Grandad Also remember when Gazza was back over here my next door neighbour taking the piss out of his crying when he eventually showed his face (he used to visit them quite regular)
  17. absolutely absurd that we even considered offering him a new contract. Extremely surprised that it was Shola who asked for 'thinking time'. Guess it's feasible he could make a semi-decent career in the USA or somewhere for a couple of seasons. Maybe he's realised he hasn't got what it takes now and as he loves us so much may decide to step down
  18. Good god this bent thing surely won't happen.
  19. 6m for a 29 year old. Yeah..... ok then
  20. Are we looking at the same thing? OK then..as s*** if not shitter than the actual kits So either better, the same, or worse?
  21. Not an SD board in sight, *gazes out the window reminiscing*
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