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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. Wilson

    Alan Pardew

    Agreed. All he's said is he may be sacked, he may not be. No more than we already knew tbf It's not really going to rock the boat.
  2. Wilson


    Good, horrible cunt. Should be life...in jail...being raped.
  3. One of the main things I too from that article.
  4. Jesus Don't know what will be worse, Owen's boring-ness, or Carragher's voic....actually, it's definitely Carraghers voice, it's f***ing painful. Can just about cope with Chiles.
  5. Imagine safety after Sunday .... http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRQYhEYA9Jec-X1Aie4q1w4Q0ab7peXEP5-DtMrbaq9JEbNR_ql
  6. Wilson

    Sir Alex Ferguson

    Who do you hope to bring in?
  7. Wilson


    I actually worked in there one night (not dancing or fingering myself before some smart arse gets in) s*** sound system. Had to pull a few bits of A4 paper down off the wall behind me which had red and white stripes and 'FTM' printed on, not proper posters or out, just literally printed in off in someones bedroom or something
  8. note "Newcastle has to be in the Premier League" not "we" .... Bet his body language was sulky/headgone when he said that. I would love another season out of him strange but somehow I didn't realise how much we missed him until he came back, despite us getting humped.
  9. http://i42.tinypic.com/23mlrvs.png was worth a try, returned £50-odd if Spurs won.
  10. "The Brazilians win the toe-poke"
  11. I hate Chelsea, just wasting Ba
  12. Spurs look a decent price tonight.
  13. Aye, also p*ssed me off last night when they were harping on about Mcmanaman showing real character to come through all of the grief after the assault and just get on with his game. Martinez went straight down in my estimations after that as well, not to mention the handball winner. Urgh, hope they disappear and never come back.
  14. I've been keeping an eye on the portugese league as well tbf. Love a bit of Benfica now, nice to have a portugese team. Also nice that it is the best team in Portugal..we're gaana win the leeg!
  15. Wilson

    Alan Pardew

    Ruled himself out I think. Shame.
  16. Love how a couple of the Benficans are still kicking about and checking on our....erm...'progress'.
  17. If we stay up he will get next season IMO. I think the same, it really is depressing. If this season hasn't shown how incompetent he is, then only relegation will.
  18. Eh? It's nothing to do with that you muppet, it's the nature of the thread to see if anyone got anything right.
  19. Dr. Google is one of our better medical members, his only rival is Mr. Physio Room. Dr Pards is the main man.
  20. wewww...point scoring aaal our in here hew.
  21. thought I was going a bit mad
  22. He's had a bit of time, in fits and bursts but don't think he's had a decent run in the team, in his preferred position has he? Just think he offers more than some of the options Pardew's went with from what I've seen.
  23. So pissed off with how little time Anita gets.
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