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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. Used to see a lot of away fans floating around in players (not so much that I would say an 'away bar') .... same as Rosies actually, quite a few seem to pop in there some match days. So much choice around the stadium tbh so they're everywhere
  2. If you are then so are half the people in the betting thread, meaning its a nailed on draw/loss.
  3. Seeing as we have the option to ease Taylor back in from a(nother) long injury, we should take it. He hasn't played a full game for fuck knows how long so don't see the point in rushing him into 70-90 mins straight away.
  4. http://s14.postimage.org/60wtu6pkh/HMMMFFF.png
  5. Wonder how Pardew will counter these spying little birds.
  6. Wilson


    made me laugh more than it should have tbh
  7. Bloke waved his signing on fee as well, what a guy
  8. "The figures were very high" is there anything he doesn't know
  9. Wilson


    Has there been a worse signing for anyone in recent years?
  10. Wilson


    Most likely. We've also probably just signed Shitcocko, Wanka-Mshitta and Poofran.
  11. Wilson


    tbf, i'd say divn't be daft .... which i'm fairly sure most round the country would find pretty strange
  12. Wilson


    Got stuck in Sunderland Royal last week, transferred there at 4am, A&E full of drunken mackem accents when all I wanted to do was sleep while waiting to be shifted to the ward. Awful awful dialect. From heya (here) to pyaid (paid)..urgh.
  13. I hate when there's lots of optimism around our games in here
  14. And if we lose this one on account of starting an unsettled side, you'll go? Aye lets spend near 18m on new recruits and not play them to get us out of trouble just so it doesn't unsettle the players that have got us 5 wins all season. Bullet proof logic that. If Pardew doesn't play Mbiwa or/and Gouffran he's a moron. Goufran I'll give you. I think there is a good case to be made to give Steven Taylor some game time providing he is fully fit, and bringing on Yanga-Mbiwa later for his debut. Other way round for me, taylor getting some game time towards the end.
  15. And if we lose this one on account of starting an unsettled side, you'll go? Aye lets spend near 18m on new recruits and not play them to get us out of trouble just so it doesn't unsettle the players that have got us 5 wins all season. Bullet proof logic that. If Pardew doesn't play Mbiwa or/and Gouffran he's a moron. Seriously man, wtf.
  16. I like that as well. Anita and Cabaye have ball distribution way ahead of Perch or Tiote. Aye, plenty of scope for the middle triangle to interchange as well. Amazing how fluid we COULD be.
  17. So the whole thing has been a massive f*** up, all Colo has ever said "the only time i'd go back to argentina, was if i had personal problems" which translated into he has personal problems and wants to go home. Hyped up by the media and random bullshit speculation. Great. or "what do i need to say to give me an easier few months here" As negative as it is, this is how I read it as well I can't help but thinking, if these personal problems were as serious as we were led to believe, there would have been more of a compromise, not just NUFC basically saying 'You're staying'.
  18. Never seen him play but I'm sure I was reading that MYM is good in the air despite not being the tallest?
  19. I'm tempted to stick some on that as well
  20. most definitely actually looks ill in some recent photos
  21. Wilson

    Football pet hates

    Almost as bad as the myth we have a good/intimidating atmosphere. Don't think I've felt one since the 4-4....maybe the floor shaking to the Ramadan song in the Man U 3-0.
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