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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. Tbf, the question isnt really clear on whether its about the allocation
  2. that was the no public sale, not small allocations? pretty sure when the chronicle done that 'ask the board questions' thing, one of the questions was about the small away allocations and they blamed it on darlo...which i thought was bollocks because were the away allocations not lower last season as well??
  3. Wilson


    But a mag on a turnbuckle told me Ji was clearly the best on the pitch? http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/7006/magonaturnbuckle.jpg
  4. http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/1900/scaredn.jpg
  5. Wilson

    St James' Park

    For now Sportsdirect Arena FC
  6. think it was on at the arena in past week or so
  7. who's the wrestling geek then? http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/2659/dsc0253ah.jpg
  8. Wilson


    or he's the only player guaranteed to be going nowhere anyime soon
  9. Wilson


    Aye tbf, its obvious: Being Ashleys Guy Gives Inormous Omissionofendorphins #mackemlogic
  10. Wilson


    same...but to be honest, if he denies it....i'll believe it more
  11. Wilson


    from a gastro bar in newcastle....jeeeees
  12. Wilson


    if he actually said that...i hope he dies
  13. http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTKkJ-LAIelZfVu5RL1F7geee8mIuepZWsk6jMy6Nla1PPDu0kidCU0imooSw
  14. whyyy? whyyy? whyyyyyyyyy? Mike Ashley whyyy? whyyy? whyyyyyyyyy? Mike Ashley to delilah...just in case people didnt get that
  15. mother fuckers, thought there was a development when i seen this bumped
  16. Any old knacker could do his job. Him and Lescott will be replaced within a year. Aye, by Tiote and Colo.
  17. Wilson


    stand up...for Stjames'park Football Club...stand up...
  18. Wilson


  19. Wilson

    St James' Park

    http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/379842_2387430697723_1609490782_32305157_1886412988_n.jpg dear me
  20. I thought Jonas said in his interview Cheik was the star and the best at it? cheik was watching over the Jonas interview....
  21. another 5 weeks with perch waiting on the bench
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