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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. Spot on, but I think it will be summer. i was taking the p*ss....were you ? Definitely not. Ashleys will have learnt from Enrique / Barton and wont want Jonas away on the cheap in the summer. Much easier to tie up now than when Marveaux is keeping him out. Before everyone gets too carried away, remember Ashley does want us to be self sufficient. That will require us to make money on players like Jonas. The vast majority is very happy. There's some dafties out there though who just have to put a negative spin on everything. This is nothing else than very good news. aye happy as larry with this news
  2. it said the same thing in fridays ronnie gill as well
  3. Wilson

    St James' Park

    fuck me, that just looks totally ridiculous....pleased i cant see any of them from my set in the se corner
  4. enjoys playing with colo and tiote only really likes colo, just stuck tiote in there out of fear
  5. Aye, you've got to feel a tad sorry for a keeper who comes up against Cabaye, Ben-Arfa and Marveaux all hitting form at the same time. tbh though, keepers love having long range shots at them cause most of the time they will save them and it gives them confidence in games, worst thing is when youve had nowt for 89 minutes then someone gets a freekick right on the edge of the box. Possibly, but I guess keepers like having long range crap shots to deal with. The sort of babies Cabaye was sending in would have got him a hat-trick against a lot of other keepers. yeah I reckon he would have scored some of those against another keeper, givens probably on of if not the best shot stopper in the league, Its the curlers he fears from range due to his height. He'll lap up power drives all day. the one which had him beaten on saturday then hit the bar my load was almost shot
  6. Wilson


    He's injury prone according to a mackem i talk to....the lads guaranteed to be a member of rtg going off some of the shite he comes out with eg/ Newc9st1e
  7. think he could have done better for the first myself, and was done all too easy for ythe 2nd, would like to see timmy in the next round
  8. "s'ok thats at least one more game to play in this poxy worthless competition, & they've had to travel then play 2 hours for the dubious privilege" jesus christ
  9. http://ic2.pbase.com/o6/61/114161/1/86440227.UEDpwHKK.bj3.gifhttp://ic2.pbase.com/o6/61/114161/1/86440227.UEDpwHKK.bj3.gifhttp://ic2.pbase.com/o6/61/114161/1/86440227.UEDpwHKK.bj3.gif fucks sake getting worse this
  10. "5 mins been played already, its flown by" cos you been talking shit the whole time, cunt howay!
  11. Wilson


    and those who think it would be a good pairing should be shot
  12. What does that even mean? it means "we're a bunch of self important arrogant deluded bastards" cunts.
  13. Wilson

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    the move before the moonwalk does it for me
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