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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. That was class. Pretty much lost my voice after that. same, me hands were stinging by the time we stopped. Definitely got a rise out of the team as well
  2. Wilson


    http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?p=10820565&highlight=#post10820565#ixzz1YIKP82WO tyneside propaganda hahaha what the f***
  3. to be honest thats the kind of time-scale i'm expecting, really just hope he's back in time for the mancs
  4. Wilson

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    that picture ha loved it
  5. no chance, they said "at least" the end of october....i'm just hoping he's 100% by the time November comes round....man u and city back to back with raylor left back...scary!
  6. Ferguson isn't a left-back. my thoughts as well
  7. Wilson


    to be fair its like a glass slipping out of ur hand and hitting someone in the face when you were only trying to swill them
  8. I'm sure when he done his first interview on NUFC tv he was asked about mourinho saying he could be the next maldini, they asked something like do you think that's right? (or something along thos lines) he replied, 'yes, 100%' ....obvioulsy doesnt phase him that much cant wait to see him in our colours, has to be involved on saturday
  9. 43 quid? Jesus f***ing Christ. I heard Wolves fans complaining about us charging them a fortune too the other week. I'll let you have some nice pubs to go to if you're looking for somewhere away from beer-throwing mongs in the Cap and Gown. aye, wouldnt mind a few suggestions....only really been told 1 or 2 bars so far....and it looks like we're going to be there very early with plenty of time to kill!
  10. cheers for that, was beginning to think i'd imagined it!
  11. sure i heard doo doo dooooo sammy ameobi doo doo dooooo sammy ameobi sure it was to the tune of 'choo choo chooooo, everybody conga' unless I in fact dreamt this
  12. Wilson

    Steven Taylor

    Surprise. Didn't someone earlier shout Taylor was going to be their new scumbag after Barton left?
  13. i'm nearly in tears seeing perch popping up on the bench for a few people
  14. so pretty much the same as liverpool fans everywhere, arrogant self important deluded trampy c***s
  15. Wilson


    Ji-sus christ.....its al gyan titus up in here
  16. Wilson


    i can see where this is gyan
  17. dunno but i'm glad he's gona work twice as hard to impose inchallah. didnt realise he had long teeth either, cracking attribute
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