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Everything posted by Wilson

  1. Aside from Colo himself saying he's happy and settled here (how many players have we heard say similar over the years then move on soon after), I can't see why not. He's on big money, approaching 30, hasn't yet signed the new contract apparently on the table, his friend Jose is already there and they desperately need to upgrade from Carragher... Hopefully a load of bollocks and the source is very dodgy, but until he signs that new deal with us then very little would surprise me. Not going to worry about it like. agree with this, apart from the bit about not worrying. i know its a shit article and could very well be a load of bollocks, but whats worrying me is his contract situation
  2. He lives next door to my pal. This is pic is from outside his house. http://i796.photobucket.com/albums/yy243/bobbydazzla/312553_10150349980796033_503351032_8361315_90289496_n.jpg so rather than I to V .... he's got A - Z? some boy
  3. fuckin hell...unreal finish from the horrible toothy bastard
  4. http://www.redcafe.net/f7/yohann-cabaye-332419/
  5. Wilson


    be outside billys burgers, half 2...show is your match ticket
  6. Wilson


    sounds lovely on paper
  7. please please please shame its not him saying its close ...
  8. Wilson


  9. Wilson

    Alan Pardew

    heard the going rate for a pitch-tilter is 34.9 million
  10. He's fast, he fasts, his legs are not in casts, Demba Ba, Demba Ba. :lol: class
  11. hope he's ok and them cunts get made an example of horrible, horrible bastards
  12. Wilson


    on paper cattermoles not a dirty player
  13. Wilson


    back in yewrup contention after that
  14. playing on the right according to skysports score centre :s
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