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Everything posted by LV

  1. I've stopped going to the games. I'm not spending any money on the club at all. I want Ashley out but I can't wish we lose. To me that is a fair position. I'm not just supporting the team like nothing has happened. I'll be honest, that line of thinking is equally as confusing to me. As a win for the team is a win for Mike Ashley, I can't understand the logic. I can't separate NUFC from Mike Ashley now so wishing bad results on the team is a by product of wishing ill fortune on Ashley. Then why do you still post here? What O-N said. But you want the team to lose every game. What's the point in investing all that time watching the games and then posting on a messageboard about a team you want to lose? Makes zero sense. Because it's my team. Where else am i going to vent with people with a common interest? If this was another club's board, I think your question would be very valid. FWIW i don't invest any time in watching us any more. But it's not your team anymore. You've confirmed that. Why would you post on a message board about a team you don't watch? Makes less than no sense. Eh?? Where does he ever say it’s not his team any more? He still loves the club. You’ve got some kind of weird angle here.
  2. It’s simple. You target the next patsy as yet another symptom of the Ashley occupation. Unless they are a Rafa type who is a World class manager who pressures Ashley to do the right thing and who we can see is making a difference to our team and city, like Rafa.
  3. I've stopped going to the games. I'm not spending any money on the club at all. I want Ashley out but I can't wish we lose. To me that is a fair position. I'm not just supporting the team like nothing has happened. I'll be honest, that line of thinking is equally as confusing to me. As a win for the team is a win for Mike Ashley, I can't understand the logic. I can't separate NUFC from Mike Ashley now so wishing bad results on the team is a by product of wishing ill fortune on Ashley. Yep, I totally agree. Why stop going and why want Ashley out but not see the bigger picture? It’s illogical.
  4. Look mate, tell you what a lot are sick of, we all know the sacred fews position, we don’t need to hear you keep banging on about it all day every day, you hate it all, we get it, rehashing the same comments every f***ing day is tedious to read. Posters waiting for Bruce to trip up to have a fun all night taking the p*ss out of posters who just want to support some sort of NUFC , not Ashley, the clique will be happy sitting all smug knowing NUFC have lost tonight, wow, what a life.Nothing is going to change in a hurry so keep up with the bitterness towards the team and fans who just want Newcastle to win football games eh? The board is toxic. 50% of the posters are wanking themselves silly when we lose. The constant posting in match threads, desperate for us to lose is f***ing grim man. I don't why the toxic c***s even post in the match thread? If I wanted the Toon to lose and crash and burn - I WOULDN'T WATCH THE GAME AND I WOULD POST IN MATCH THREADS ON A f***ing FAN MESSAGEBOARD. I'd go for a walk. Go the cinema. Play on my PS4. Go out with my Missus. Hang out with my friends. But then again, I'm not a creep, crying for attention and behaving like an repetitive arsewipe. It is what it is, I guess. You are the most pathetic of the lot after posting that s****. f*** off you tosspot. You can't answer my point. Why would anybody post in a match thread cheering when the other team score? What's the benefit? Why would you do it? It's attention seeking and sad. Toon25 wishing Bruce "the fat c***" has a "heart attack". It's disgusting man. That’s canny bad like wanting the fat c*** to have a heart attack. The NHS doesn’t deserve that like. This is a horrendous comment and nobody says a word. Imagine somebody saying that about your family? You'd be fuming. Honestly this board has totally gone to shit. And yet you are calling people tosspot and telling them to fuck off? Unreal.
  5. LV


    Not selling in the Championship isn’t certain though. Not selling in the Premier League seems to be certain because he doesn’t want to sell his cash cow. Being stuck in the lower leagues hasn’t been tested yet in terms of his willingness to cut his losses. The scenario where he loses money by holding onto us needs to be tested. It’s the only option we have. Also many of these fair weather fans will walk away if we’re stuck down for a while which will compound things. It needs to be tested, there is genuinely nowhere else to go. Might not work, but at least there’s a chance and that is better than lurching on in perpetual zombie mode forever more.
  6. I think the MDT should be for all supporters of the club whether they want the team to lose for the greater good or they want the team to win. We all love the club and we can all decide whether to read the forum or not. That’s all there is to it really.
  7. LV


    It’s all we have though. It’s the only realistic thing we can try. As others have said, staying up guarantees he stays, going down means there’s a chance he’ll go. I’d rather take the chance and don’t understand why anyone is happy keeping him and supporting an outcome that ensures he stays.
  8. LV


    Some have walked away and he just gives 10,000 tickets away, so that doesn't work. He wouldn't allow the club to continually get relegated that's the point. He will just make sure they come straight back up. We’re not guaranteed to come back up even if we spend loads of money. We could quite easily stay down.
  9. LV


    Cost him money the last two times we were relegated, yet he didn't neave What would you do to attempt to get rid of him? Assuming you want to that is.
  10. Look mate, tell you what a lot are sick of, we all know the sacred fews position, we don’t need to hear you keep banging on about it all day every day, you hate it all, we get it, rehashing the same comments every fucking day is tedious to read. Posters waiting for Bruce to trip up to have a fun all night taking the piss out of posters who just want to support some sort of NUFC , not Ashley, the clique will be happy sitting all smug knowing NUFC have lost tonight, wow, what a life.Nothing is going to change in a hurry so keep up with the bitterness towards the team and fans who just want Newcastle to win football games eh? Look It’s not me posting the same stuff every day, unlike you. A couple of you on here are relentless with your agenda against those who are sick of Ashley’s regime (which includes Bruce) who just want something to change. And as for the sacred ‘few’, it’s pretty clear it’s you and a couple of others in the minority. Also, my position has been consistent while yours has been all over the place since the start of the season, so don’t be giving it all the holier than thou schtick.
  11. Look mate, tell you what a lot are sick of, we all know the sacred fews position, we don’t need to hear you keep banging on about it all day every day, you hate it all, we get it, rehashing the same comments every fucking day is tedious to read. Posters waiting for Bruce to trip up to have a fun all night taking the piss out of posters who just want to support some sort of NUFC , not Ashley, the clique will be happy sitting all smug knowing NUFC have lost tonight, wow, what a life.Nothing is going to change in a hurry so keep up with the bitterness towards the team and fans who just want Newcastle to win football games eh? Fuck. Me. The lack of self awareness is strong in this one
  12. Fella hasn’t got a clue. His ‘methods’ were out of date in the 2000s, let alone 2019/2020. Embarrassing that he’s managing a club like ours but it tells you all you need to know about Ashley and his lack of ambition, like a parasite milking its host dry while ensuring it stays barely alive. How anyone can support the current state of this club is beyond me and how anyone can give the amount of shit to people who are sick of it that I see on here at times is beyond me too.
  13. LV

    Miguel Almirón

    Yep. Just like Pardew and his ‘trust me’ It’s the mark of a liar.
  14. Resigning would be a good start
  15. I give Klopp so much credit for allowing them to be who they are and indulge their attacking talent. Under Pardew TAA would be on the bench behind someone like Dummett, because he is a "proper defender". Their fitness is superhuman tbh. Up and down the pitch for 90+ minutes and always a threat. https://www.sportsintegrityinitiative.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/BloodBag.jpg imagine
  16. Unfortunately Muto wasn't even on the bench. Why do that when you can have two right wing backs on there. Bruce doesn't trust the chinks in our team, they might be Rafa spies.
  17. The King is dead, long live the king.
  18. Is it fuck quiet when he wins. Try harder.
  19. Right backs are the new Left backs
  20. What exactly can he do? What are his strengths as a coach? No one ever seems to be able to answer that. Which is because he doesn’t have any. Which is what I was implying Absolutely. I was agreeing.
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