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Everything posted by LV

  1. LV

    General press coverage

    Edwards is just a troll with a salary these days. Absolutely abysmal patter. Feeble as it is, there is a fight against Mike Ashley. And if you're not with the fight, you're against those who are. And everyone who falls into the latter category is a default piece of shit. Edwards flies that flag beautifully. I’d love you to tweet that at him
  2. LV

    Transfer rumours

    I’d be happy with Giroud too. But yeah, can’t see it happening unless on loan.
  3. LV


    It’s does. I’d love to know the truth behind it all and what Ashley is getting out of it.
  4. LV


    I’m not disagreeing on what we’ve seen so far. I’m just devastated how far we’ve fallen under Ashley and that there are still people willing to not only support it but give shit to those who are trying to force him out.
  5. LV


    It’s a bit like discussing where’s best to sit on the Titanic’s sun deck tbh
  6. LV


    It really is. We’re in a situation where people would rather have Shola.
  7. Yeah I know, they’re mates. Disappointing.
  8. LV

    Transfer rumours

    Deonte Existe and Ni Fuka
  9. I know what you mean, but I’m sure that feeling would wash away if say we got new owners like Leicester’s. I still can’t forget the feeling of the mid 90s Keegan era where everyone was pulling in the same direction, at least for a little while. It was just magnificent. This current situation though is unacceptable and is purposefully hamstringing the happiness of a whole city. How anyone can support it or acquiesce in it is completely beyond me.
  10. Exactly. It’s been done to death a hundred times on here. The people who can’t or won’t stop going are the reason he’s still here. They’re booing the failure they’re funding and enabling. I have no sympathy for them and can’t relate to them any longer. One day the penny might drop for them but I doubt it. I’ll say it again, fuck them. Well my point is the penny hasn’t dropped with them so harsh to give abuse Unless that’s a tactic to make people listen But as I said before might have a different view of things ( Ashley more likely to sell if we’re doing better rather than worse) We have been relegated twice before and apart from a total implosion which will probably leave us bankrupt anyway I couldn’t see him selling again in that position In fact the history that we went down last time shows it’s not a fact he will sell, probably will just over invest again I would say after a higher finish he would be more likely to sell as the club is then more attractive to buyers I disagree entirely but understand your position on it I’m thinking 10 or 15 years down the line if need be tbh. I want my son to have the chance to follow a team that wants to be the absolute best it can be, I’ve almost given up on it personally. But I’ve seen 2 fantastic teams put together under Keegan and Robson. I know it’s possible but under Ashley it’s completely impossible. In fact he actively doesn’t want it. Getting him out, regardless of how long it takes, is the only thing that matters right now. A sustained spell away from the PL is the only thing that might force him to sell up and fuck off. It’s not a given, but staying up or bouncing from PL to Championship guarantees Ashley stays. It’s not the nicest of realities, I wish there was another way, but there’s not unfortunately. Staying up each year just keeps the wheel turning. The idiots in the crowd are the ones pedalling. Yep, absolutely. And much more eloquently put than I did.
  11. Exactly. It’s been done to death a hundred times on here. The people who can’t or won’t stop going are the reason he’s still here. They’re booing the failure they’re funding and enabling. I have no sympathy for them and can’t relate to them any longer. One day the penny might drop for them but I doubt it. I’ll say it again, fuck them. Well my point is the penny hasn’t dropped with them so harsh to give abuse Unless that’s a tactic to make people listen But as I said before might have a different view of things ( Ashley more likely to sell if we’re doing better rather than worse) We have been relegated twice before and apart from a total implosion which will probably leave us bankrupt anyway I couldn’t see him selling again in that position In fact the history that we went down last time shows it’s not a fact he will sell, probably will just over invest again I would say after a higher finish he would be more likely to sell as the club is then more attractive to buyers We came straight back up both times and he still hasn’t sold. Thus, the only option we haven’t explored is to go down and stay down and he starts losing money, crowds drop etc. Might not work, but this........ existence is sure as hell not working. He doesn’t want to sell while he’s making money, despite whatever he says. So what’s your plan to get your club back?
  12. Of course they do. They’re just fed up of the 45000 odd enablers that are serving to perpetuate the misery of the regime.
  13. The Ashley enablers and Bruce lovers could do with watching Alan Shearer’s Premier League hattricks on Sky at the moment. See what we can be at our best. Instead of accepting this shite.
  14. Fuck off Watford. 3-0 up ffs.
  15. Who? Bruce? Yeah he was getting tossed off by half the people on this board after we beat palace. Ha ha yeah. I thought you were being serious then. I think those tossing him off are slowly but surely coming to realise the truth, or have left the forum.
  16. Fuck off Bruce and take those 2 other clowns with you
  17. The whole clubs rotten. Ashley, Bruce, those enabling them and the fucking Chronicle. The lot.
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