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Everything posted by LV

  1. Have they never spoken to a season ticket holder before like? Why not go to the ground on match day and say the things that's been said to me to the 45k+ that are attending? What are you talking about? A lot of us WERE season ticket holders
  2. He's put a lot of time and effort in to it as well! Uncle Keith is giving him a nice pat on the bum and some sweets for it, it’s not all for nothing.
  3. Don’t feed the troll anymore lads. He’s on the wind up.
  4. And this is where I and it looks like the majority of people on this thread are completely different then. I'm sorry but you sound completely deluded. You don't support a football cub because it's successful or not! Why do you think that fans all over the country go to games, they don't have success, they support their football because they love it. This is why we get called deluded The only deluded one here is you. You’re an absolute Chief mate.
  5. Look at the insults I've taken for having the absolute temerity to go to football games, football games played by my football club Nobody is insulting you for going to the game, that's 100% your choice. You're getting insults because you're unable to grasp the importance of not going. Because I have a different opinion to you regarding what will not going do? I've listened to what's been said regarding the importance of not going, but just because you've said it, it doesn't mean it's true? We have completely different views on the best way to help the club, that's fine. It's all about opinions, there's a hell of a lot off people out there who disagree with you. And they are being as utterly obtuse as you then. You have come up with no viable alternative solution. Fairly obvious why people see you as part.of the problem. And just because there are more like you doesn't validate your opinion against what should be blatantly obvious to anyone at this point. This is not fresh. We are f***ing 12 years into this regime, and have seen a cycle play out. Absolutely no excuse at this point if you are still fine with getting dry-fisted up the starfish. Ofcourse everybody else is wrong, and you're right. That must be it mate. Maybe people see boycotters as part of the problem? You're so hell bent on 'helping' because you have this view of how Newcastle United should be that you don't seem to be able to comprehend that you're actually making things worse. How are boycotters 'part of the problem'? In the words of a courageous, principled, chicken nugget loving young man, Seymour, I have been nice to you, but now I'm coming to the edge. Your view on the matter is totally and utterly warped. When you talk of boycotting not working in terms of increasing the likelihood of Ashley selling, how can you possibly believe that when it's never been done (large-scale, whole match) before? Because it isn't helping things, can you not see that? Ashley is the problem 100%, but boycotting will create a negative atmosphere on the players which rival managers will use to benefit them. As supporters we are supposed to help the team, not be detrimental towards it. Because its my belief that it wouldn't work? Just like it's your belief that it would work, despite us never doing it on a large scale before Save your energy guys, seriously. There’s something not quite right with this one.
  6. Sadly I just think he’s just pig ignorant and maybe a little bit challenged
  7. He put the prices up because he knows he can, yes. Because he knows fans will pay it. Having said that the ticket revenue is a drop in the ocean though when it comes to our revenue, do people think that if we just boycott every game he's going to sell the club? 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? Not sure how people can go that long without going to a game but there you go What are you going for though? What are you supporting? Please don’t say ‘the team’. We are not a competitive sporting institution under Ashley. We aim for no more than survival and are actively prevented by Ashley from having any ambition beyond that. I know what this club can be. I was there during Keegan and Sir Bobby and we are not that club any more. Due to Ashley. Stop enabling him ffs So because we aren't a 'competitve sporting intuition' that means stop going to games? Basically you're saying because we're s*** and haven't got a good team unlike when Keegan and Robson was here you're not going to games anymore? Our aim is survival yes, so is half the league. You're sounding completely duluded and entitled to be honest. You'll only turn up if we've got a good team, that's not what's supporting a club is about Howay Seymour man. Until that last quote i've admired your bravery in defending the minority view (on here anyway) but that last sentence? As i said before there's more to it than just being s***. If we try but fail then fair enough, but there is no trying. I haven't said it to anyone else, but read his post man. It sounds like the reason he went to games was because we had a good team under KK and Robson, and now because we're s**** and fighting relegation who won't go anymore. I understand what you mean, we have the capabilities to be so much more under Ashley. Under Westwood, Mckeag etc we never really had the major, major money that Ashley has You absolute muppet. I’d go and watch us under any regime and in any league we were in as long as we were trying to compete. Don’t ever put words into my mouth again you utter clown. if you say so So in order to watch the club you support, we have to 'compete'? Why can't you just support your football club? Surely you support your football club because that's your football club not because it's 'competing' or not When are the forum awards this year? You should get your own special trophy.
  8. He put the prices up because he knows he can, yes. Because he knows fans will pay it. Having said that the ticket revenue is a drop in the ocean though when it comes to our revenue, do people think that if we just boycott every game he's going to sell the club? 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? Not sure how people can go that long without going to a game but there you go What are you going for though? What are you supporting? Please don’t say ‘the team’. We are not a competitive sporting institution under Ashley. We aim for no more than survival and are actively prevented by Ashley from having any ambition beyond that. I know what this club can be. I was there during Keegan and Sir Bobby and we are not that club any more. Due to Ashley. Stop enabling him ffs So because we aren't a 'competitve sporting intuition' that means stop going to games? Basically you're saying because we're s*** and haven't got a good team unlike when Keegan and Robson was here you're not going to games anymore? Our aim is survival yes, so is half the league. You're sounding completely duluded and entitled to be honest. You'll only turn up if we've got a good team, that's not what's supporting a club is about Howay Seymour man. Until that last quote i've admired your bravery in defending the minority view (on here anyway) but that last sentence? As i said before there's more to it than just being s***. If we try but fail then fair enough, but there is no trying. I haven't said it to anyone else, but read his post man. It sounds like the reason he went to games was because we had a good team under KK and Robson, and now because we're shite and fighting relegation who won't go anymore. I understand what you mean, we have the capabilities to be so much more under Ashley. Under Westwood, Mckeag etc we never really had the major, major money that Ashley has You absolute muppet. I’d go and watch us under any regime and in any league we were in as long as we were trying to compete. Don’t ever put words into my mouth again you utter clown.
  9. And if we get relegated we could get stuck in the championship or even worse... I know you're going to come out with the 'I'd rather be in the championship or league 1 if it got rid off Ashley' But if you won't go to games in the premier league, got a feeling you'll be boycotting in league 1 too regardless off ownership. What absolute horseshit. I’m beginning to think you’re a WUM. If Ashley went and we got an owner that wanted to compete people would flock back, me included.
  10. He put the prices up because he knows he can, yes. Because he knows fans will pay it. Having said that the ticket revenue is a drop in the ocean though when it comes to our revenue, do people think that if we just boycott every game he's going to sell the club? 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? Not sure how people can go that long without going to a game but there you go What are you going for though? What are you supporting? Please don’t say ‘the team’. We are not a competitive sporting institution under Ashley. We aim for no more than survival and are actively prevented by Ashley from having any ambition beyond that. I know what this club can be. I was there during Keegan and Sir Bobby and we are not that club any more. Due to Ashley. Stop enabling him ffs
  11. The Bruce argument is now irrelevant. You are actively supporting Ashley by giving him your money. Nah, I'm not. I'm not backing the owner, I am backing the manager You are funding the owner and accepting his shitness.. So for 3 years you didn't back Rafa? The owner was given an opportunity to change how he did things. Rafa had given us all a bit of hope again. He was showing us the way things could be if he was supported, and presented that plan to the c***s in charge. Instead Ashley and Charnley decided to reject Rafa's plan, sack him off and return to their previous plan of doing and spending the absolute bare minimum to stay in the premier league and maximise the exposure of Sports Direct and associated entities. By appointing Steve Bruce they've shown us that they have literally zero ambition for the club beyond staying in the league and finishing 17th. It has now reached the stage that if you buy a season ticket you're effectively saying that you're alright with Newcastle United being nothing more than a marketing strategy for one of the biggest c***s in the UK. You're buying into how he runs our football club. You're choosing to gloss over the fact that he has systematically destroyed everything that was ever good about supporting our football club. This isn't our club any more. Stop pretending it is, and stop giving the c***s your money I agree with all of that apart from the 'If you buy a season ticket you're effectively saying you're alright with Newcastle United being nothing more than a marketing strategy' Sorry but that's bollocks, you can want an owner out but still go to games, not having that. I'm not happy with how the club is being run, ofcourse I'm not, im as p*ssed off as anyone that they didn't do enough to keep Rafa. But just because you still want to go to games, it doesn't mean that you're supporting Ashley. Supporters shouldn't be made to feel guilty just because they want to go games and actually support the team. If you buy a season ticket you are absolutely complicit and happy with the way Ashley runs the club. You are enabling it. There is literally no other way of looking at it. Apart from delusion. You are deluding yourself. Looks like we'll have 45k+ deluded supporters next season then? Looks that way yeah. A lot of the woke people have left and fools rush in where angels fear to tread
  12. The Bruce argument is now irrelevant. You are actively supporting Ashley by giving him your money. Nah, I'm not. I'm not backing the owner, I am backing the manager You are funding the owner and accepting his shitness.. So for 3 years you didn't back Rafa? The owner was given an opportunity to change how he did things. Rafa had given us all a bit of hope again. He was showing us the way things could be if he was supported, and presented that plan to the c***s in charge. Instead Ashley and Charnley decided to reject Rafa's plan, sack him off and return to their previous plan of doing and spending the absolute bare minimum to stay in the premier league and maximise the exposure of Sports Direct and associated entities. By appointing Steve Bruce they've shown us that they have literally zero ambition for the club beyond staying in the league and finishing 17th. It has now reached the stage that if you buy a season ticket you're effectively saying that you're alright with Newcastle United being nothing more than a marketing strategy for one of the biggest c***s in the UK. You're buying into how he runs our football club. You're choosing to gloss over the fact that he has systematically destroyed everything that was ever good about supporting our football club. This isn't our club any more. Stop pretending it is, and stop giving the c***s your money I agree with all of that apart from the 'If you buy a season ticket you're effectively saying you're alright with Newcastle United being nothing more than a marketing strategy' Sorry but that's bollocks, you can want an owner out but still go to games, not having that. I'm not happy with how the club is being run, ofcourse I'm not, im as pissed off as anyone that they didn't do enough to keep Rafa. But just because you still want to go to games, it doesn't mean that you're supporting Ashley. Supporters shouldn't be made to feel guilty just because they want to go games and actually support the team. If you buy a season ticket you are absolutely complicit and happy with the way Ashley runs the club. You are enabling it. There is literally no other way of looking at it. Apart from delusion. You are deluding yourself.
  13. Its not though, we gave Rafa a chance, was that wrong to do then? Wow you really don’t get it all do you.
  14. Are you being serious? He deserves abuse from the first minute, he's done f*** all wrong man Surely he deserves a chance atleast? He's a fat manure mackem shithead who pretends to be a Newcastle fan and is a horrible yes man snake. Yes he should be as he shouldn't be here. Accepting him is accepting Ashley's version of nufc :lol: christ... You're actually adcovating hounding out a manager before his first game in charge? Can we not just atleast give him a chance i'm not as rabid as the others but bruce "deserves" nothing whatsoever imo, if he goes out and gets results then i'll maybe grudgingly accept him as a competent football manager but he's got it all to prove no one else should be greeted with indifference until he proves he deserves otherwise one way or another If he goes out and gets results and gets us to finish 13th and 10th like Rafa did, then hegets lot of praise from me. If he gets us relegated then he'll rightfully get a lot of stick from supporters. Any newly appointed manager deserves a chance to see what he can do. It's absolutely pathetic to completely write of a manager when he's been here 5 minutes. What exactly are you supporting any more? The club doesn’t exist as a sporting entity, it exists to line Ashley’s pockets. Why bother giving Bruce a chance? A chance to do what? Finish 19th and no cup runs? Not for me ta. I just don’t understand what anyone is getting out of it any more and why they are bothering. I love Newcastle United and have done for over 40 years now but that Newcastle United is gone for now until Ashley is gone.
  15. LV

    Transfer rumours

    Another pointless thread this
  16. How did the club change hands though? Oyston didn’t want to go did he? It look legal action against him iirc
  17. How can a billionaire group not afford £350m and need help from a debt-financing group? This is all so weird.
  18. Then he maybe hopelessly chasing his money before hopefully realising he just has to cut his 'losses' and get out. He will never cut his losses.
  19. I get that point but my opinion is while I consider it unlikely he'd sell in the short to medium term while in the prem I consider the chances of him selling outside the prem to be basically zero. I see it the other way around. While the club is in the Premier League, he gets free global exposure for his main business. In the Championship he has to put money in to try and get back to that, with comparatively very little exposure. I think a failed promotion bid or even relegation to league one would see him sell because he'd no longer be milking a cash cow and would have to invest in it with unknown returns. I actually see that as the only circumstance in which he'll sell. There is no way in holy hell this guy will ever accept a loss on what he paid for us. Let him burn it to the ground then and we'll pick up the pieces once he's gone. That’s the issue though. He won’t go unless he makes a profit on what he paid. We’re pretty much stuck with him imo and I honestly don’t know how we’re going to get rid of him beyond legal action or the FA/prem league/ politicians getting involved through changes in legislation about ruining institutions of national or public interest. He will not take a loss. He just won’t.
  20. I get that point but my opinion is while I consider it unlikely he'd sell in the short to medium term while in the prem I consider the chances of him selling outside the prem to be basically zero. I see it the other way around. While the club is in the Premier League, he gets free global exposure for his main business. In the Championship he has to put money in to try and get back to that, with comparatively very little exposure. I think a failed promotion bid or even relegation to league one would see him sell because he'd no longer be milking a cash cow and would have to invest in it with unknown returns. I actually see that as the only circumstance in which he'll sell. There is no way in holy hell this guy will ever accept a loss on what he paid for us.
  21. It’ll take a while to coach the Rafa out of them
  22. He’ll be back with new owners.
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