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Everything posted by LV

  1. Think this fella nailed it unfortunately
  2. Let’s hope for a good year this year. I’m probably back to betting on us to lose!
  3. Think he means going to the march rather than to the game
  4. Pretty sure Dyche will be here at some point under Ashley
  5. Run about more Get stuck in Big lads Have a go It’s 1990s PFM bullshit bingo.
  6. He's 5ft 6. Well I hope he’s all about grit and effort and none of this fancy dan showboating stuff. Wouldn’t want any of that.
  7. LV

    St James' Park

    Ok, have submitted my objection Shame you can’t object to Ashley on there too and have him run out of town
  8. LV

    St James' Park

    Do you have to be a Newcastle resident to do this?
  9. LV

    Transfer rumours

    He fully deserves his holiday in China after having to deal with these cunts. Only went for the money. Took the soft option. Money first Rafa second NUFC third
  10. I can’t stop thinking of a ballet dancing hippo in a pink tutu for some reason
  11. I’m sure if you took just one part of a quote from Ashley or Dennis Wise, you could find something reasonable about it. It’s the whole context that’s the important bit though. And the context was that Bruce is essentially telling us to pipe down and know our place. You can’t just take one part of a quote in isolation and say people shouldn't be upset by it. The context is 10+ years of Ashley.
  12. Still love how Bellamy flinches when Carragher mentions ex-players peddling Ashley’s propaganda in the media
  13. Meanwhile, we’ve got Steve Bruce giving it the Geordie card. The gulf between them is immeasurable. This club has been occupied and Bruce is Vidkun Quisling.
  14. It's not self-defeating. Its a fact that 15 or so teams have to deal with. Howay man, it’s attempting to entrench a small club mentality so that we’re happy with our yo-yo club lot and I’m having none of it.
  15. And what’s worse is some people are accepting the self-defeating patter and parroting the message further
  16. But nobody is even debating that, but to have your manager come out before the season starts to remind us of it (adding the, great day out comment) just takes the piss. Part of the reason we can't compete in this league is the fact that we have the worst manager in the league now. Nar, it's not. He's come out and said exactly the same as us for the last ten years which is a pretty realistic assessment of our situation. If he'd said we were going to compete with the big boys this season he'd have got slated for that too. What he's said isn't particularly unreasonable considering our ownership situation, it seems no matter what he says he'll get stick. Fair enough, you might say but attacking him for a perfectly reasonable view on our prospects diminishes the effect of the actual bad stuff like attacking the fans protest. Crucify the man for attacking the fans, for the shite way he's treated a decent club who gave him a chance. Crucify him when the season starts and we're adrift before Christmas, for taking Ashley's money to help run his boyhood club into the ground. For saying our best chance of a trophy is a cup? Just pettiness. People are livid mate. It’s not a surprise they are attacking him for anything.
  17. Agreed. I’m even finding it hard to come on this forum any more and see it being discussed. Rafa leaving and Ashley staying has ended all interest for me.
  18. I listened to him and can confirm I did indeed get worked up. Wanted to throw my phone against the wall.
  19. LV

    Transfer rumours

  20. This club has gone full Ashley.
  21. PR PR PR Fucking sickening
  22. Pardew is a cunt. No way I’d want him over Bruce. I don’t want Bruce mind and I’m not interested in Ashley FC any more until Ashley has gone. But I can’t let that Pardew comment go by unanswered.
  23. LV

    Lee Charnley

    Fuck off Charnley you parasite
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