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Everything posted by LV

  1. Dave you beautiful man!!! You’re back!!
  2. Ok. It’s done. Fuck Yeah ok, it’s done. Fuck!!!
  3. I don’t know what’s a serious post anymore. .
  4. I don't have a clue who any one of these people are. My post last night was complete wind-up shite. Sssssssssake I thought I remembered you as someone who lived in the gulf. Obviously got that wrong. Don’t do this to me man!
  5. Penn[/member] any comment on this Abu Dhabi news reporter angle?
  6. Ok now this is actually interesting. I was skeptical that there was nothing coming from the UAE media but this is definitely more promising
  7. It’s the ‘from a close associate of the Sheikh’ thing that the whole Sun story is based on that gets me. He could be anyone, the journo could have just made him up with a bit of encouragement from Mike. This ‘close associate’ is likely just Bishop in a metaphorical Arab head-scarf. Edit: There’s also nothing in the Abu Dhabi press about this.
  8. My takeover bath I ran at 3am is getting a little cold now.
  9. I like your optimistic mindset!
  10. Caulkin’s the only one I believe about anything NUFC related
  11. Yep. They probably dreamed this up down the boozer on Friday night. Bet Mike’s fireplace got a proper hammering when they came up with it.
  12. He'll have to ask his "closest working associate" why he leaked the story. His closest working associate being Be’ith El-Kishop
  13. So glad I saw the reports at 1am and couldn’t sleep ‘til 3am reading this thread and twitter like a madman
  14. Bit worrying that Rafa’s camp allegedly know nothing about this. Surely if a serious bid then they would have made contact with Rafa already, especially if they want to keep him as is being reported. There’s a whiff of Bishop about all this, what with the leak coming on a Sunday night before a bank holiday when everyone’s pissed and gullible.
  15. LV


    Villa next pls
  16. LV


    Oooof that’s gotta hurt. Off to RTG in peyce....
  17. LV


    Stuck in third division marra.
  18. LV


    Aha haaaaa haaahhhaaa!!!
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